Sue Ann Hong

Ph.D. student
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Gates 8023
(412) 268 3074
sahong [at]

I'm a PhD student in the Computer Science Department. My research interests lie in machine learning and planning. In particular, I'm interested in applying fast online algorithms and structured models to real-world problems. My thesis work is on multi-agent planning under uncertainty with shared resources. Ultimately, it'd be nice to help save the world with machine learning / game theory (e.g. solving environmental problems, designing public policy, eliminating inefficiency wherever possible).

My advisor is Geoff Gordon. Previously I worked with Tom Mitchell on reading the web by extracting facts from web text using co-training-style semi-supervised learning algorithms.

I've been also working on a couple of cool art projects that use machine learning.

Resume [pdf]


Some Interesting Class Projects

Courses Teaching: