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The Eighth International Workshop on Static Analysis for Systems Biology

A Colocated Workshop of SAS 2017

August 29, 2017
New York, New York


SASB is a one-day workshop aimed at promoting discussions and collaborations at the intersection between programming languages, formal methods, static analysis, and systems and synthetic biology of natural and engineered systems. It is important to note that, despite the name of the workshop, we are not limiting the program to work in static analysis, but rather are open to submissions in all of the topics we have listed.


The program of SASB 2017 will consist of invited talks, presentations of refereed talks, and presentations of refereed papers. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of modeling languages and associated analysis techniques, including static analysis of natural biological systems and the design, specification and verification of engineered biological and chemical systems. This includes, but is not limited to:


Registration is now open here. Please make sure to specify you are registering for the SASB workshop!


Full papers should be at most 12 pages, ENTCS format, excluding references. Extended abstracts (for presentation-only submissions) should be at most three pages, excluding references. Please submit on Easy here.

Important Dates

Paper abstracts due July 1, 2017 (AoT)
Papers and presentation submissions due (extended!) July 8, 2017 (AoT)
Paper and presentation notifications August 2, 2017

Invited Speaker

Matt Might Strategist in the Executive Office of the President,
Director of the Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute (UAB)


Program Chairs

Contact: sasb2017-chairs [at] cs [dot] cmu [dot] edu.

Jean Yang Carnegie Mellon University
John A. Bachman Harvard Medical School

Program Committee

Luca Cardelli Microsoft Research
Eric Deeds University of Kansas
James Faeder University of Pittsburgh
Jérôme Feret INRIA Paris
Ben Hall University of Cambridge
Jean Krivine Université Paris Diderot
Nicola Paoletti Stony Brook University
Loic Paulevé CNRS and LRI
Tatjana Petrov IST Austria
Amaury Pouly MPI-SWS
Ovidiu Radulescu Université de Montpellier 2
David Safranek Masaryk University
Qinsi Wang Carnegie Mellon University
Paolo Zuliani Newcastle University

Workshop Schedule

8:30-9:00Arrival, registration, breakfast
9:00-10:00Invited talk: Winning the war on error: Solving the Halting Problem and curing cancer (Matt Might)slides
10:00-10:15Discussion/coffee break
Session 1
10:15-10:35Explanation of drug effects using a mechanistic model automatically assembled from natural language, databases, and literature (John A. Bachman, Benjamin Gyori and Peter Sorger)slides
10:35-10:55A tool for automated inference in rule-based biological models (Chelsea Voss, Jean Yang, and Walter Fontana)slides
10:55-11:10Discussion/coffee break
Session 2
11:10-11:30 Syntax-guided optimal synthesis for chemical reaction networks (Luca Cardelli, Milan Ceska, Martin Martin Fränzle, Marta Kwiatkowska, Luca Laurenti, Nicola Paoletti and Max Whitby)extended abstract /
related paper
11:30-11:50Towards personalized verification and synthesis for the artificial pancreas (Taisa Kushner, Sydney Keenan, David Bortz, David Maahs and Sriram Sankaranarayanan)extended abstract
Session 3
1:30-1:50Causal analysis of rule-based models through counterfactual reasoning (Jonathan Laurent, Jean Yang, and Walter Fontana)slides
1:50-2:10SAT solving for vesicle traffic systems in cells (Ashutosh Gupta, Ankit Shukla, Mandayam Srivas and Mukund Thattai)slides
2:10-2:30Computing similarity between multiscale biological systems under uncertainty (Krishnendu Ghosh)slides
2:30-2:45Discussion/coffee break
Session 4
2:45-3:05Using alternative sums to express the occurrence number of extended patterns in site-graphs (Jerome Feret and Ferdinanda Camporesi)paper
3:05-3:25Visualizing model architecture (John A.P. Sekar and James R. Faeder)slides
3:25-3:45Translating BNGL models into Kappa our experience (Kim Quyen Ly)extended abstractslides
3:45-4:00Discussion/coffee break
Session 5
4:00-4:20Biochemical Space: A framework for formal description and annotation of complex biological processes (Matej Troják, David Šafránek, Jakub Šalagovič, Františka Romanovská and Matej Hajnal)extended abstractslides
4:20-4:40When rule-based models need to count (Pierre Boutillier and Ioana Cristescu)draftslides
4:40Closing remarks

© Jean Yang 2015. Last updated September 19, 2017.