Supercomputing Symposium '94 Update

  By Tuesday, March 15 over 1700 copies of the SS '94 document
should have received your copy by now. If you have not, you can obtain
a copy using one of the following methods:   
    (1) send me your postal address and I will mail it to you.
    (2) download it using anonymous FTP from node
        "" in directory "/pub/SS94".
The document is available in two formats: PostScript (
and ASCII text (registration.txt).

  The FTP directory also includes an ASCII list of those papers which
have been accepted for the conference. The file "ss94.papers" contains
a list of the titles and authors sorted alphabetically by title.

  WARNING! The number of contributed papers is larger than expected.
Therefore, there is a very high probability that the conference will
be extended into the afternoon of Wednesday, June 8. These sessions
will include many interesting presentations as well as the panel
discussion "Vendors' Views of the Future". If at all possible, you
should plan to stay at the conference until Wednesday evening.

  Edmund West (Conference Chair, SS'94)

Dr. Edmund West (Manager)               Instructional and Research Computing
High Performance & Research Computing   4 Bancroft Avenue, Room 202               University of Toronto
Tel:416-978-4085, Fax:416-978-6110      Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1 Canada