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Up: Introduction
Previous: System requirements
There are several additional sources of information if you want to
learn more about NESL:
- A World Wide Web home page for the SCANDAL
project, which always contains the latest information on NESL. The
URL is
If you have any problems accessing the page send e-mail to This page contains links to many NESL related
web pages including an on-line demo and tutorial, html manual, and many
- Our FTP site (see Section 5.1).
The WWW home page contains a link to this site.
- A mailing list used to discuss NESL and announce new
patches and releases. If you want to be added to this
list send e-mail to .
- Papers on the implementation [2],
uses [4], and teaching [3] of NESL. These
can be obtained from the FTP site, or viewed directly from the WWW
home page.
Guy Blelloch
Tue Nov 28 18:37:09 EST 1995