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The subdirectory examples contains the following examples of
NESL code:
- adaptive-integration
- Adaptive integration of single-variable
- awerbuch-shiloach
- Algorithm for finding the connected
components of a graph.
- convex-hull
- The QuickHull algorithm for finding convex hulls.
Includes a graphics demo.
- hash-table
- An implementation of a parallel hash table.
- line-fit
- Least-squares fit of a line to a set of points.
- micro-shell
- A micro shell that keeps track of current
directory and executes commands.
- nas-cg
- The NAS conjugate gradient benchmark.
- median
- Recursively finds the largest element of a vector.
- primes
- Work-efficient parallel implementation of the prime
sieve algorithm.
- separator
- Geometric separator code. Includes a graphics demo
of it running on an airfoil.
- sort
- Various sorts: quicksort, Batcher's bitonic sort and
Batcher's odd-even mergesort.
- spectral
- Spectral separator code. Includes a graphics demo
using everyone's favorite airfoil.
- string-search
- Fast string search algorithm.
The class notes [3] contain other examples.
Guy Blelloch
Tue Nov 28 18:37:09 EST 1995