Supercomputing and Parallel Computing Research Group Logos
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This is a list of academic research groups working in the field of
supercomputing and parallel computing. Click on a logo to go to that
project's home page.
- Adl. Data parallel functional programming languages for distributed memory architectures.
- Alewife. Large-scale multiprocessor with shared memory and message passing.
- APE/Quadrics. High performance simulations of lattice gauge theories and QCD.
- Avalanche. Multiprocessor with distributed shared memory and message passing.
- CAMAS. Computer Aided Migration of Applications System. Tools to parallelize existing dusty deck programs.
- CAPP. Center for Applied Parallel Processing. Scalable algorithms for solving Grand Challenge problems.
- CC++. Parallel programming language based on C++.
- CHAOS. Efficient multiprocessor libraries for irregular scientific problems (CHAOS++) and parallel I/O (Jovian).
- Chaos. Multicomputer interconnection network routing hardware, simulator, and analysis.
- CSAG. Concurrent Systems Architecture Group. Fine-grained massively-parallel computer systems (Concert System).
- CVA. Concurrent VLSI Architecture. Fine-grained concurrent computing mechanisms.
- D System. Tools for machine-independent parallel programming (Fortran D).
- DDM. Data Diffusion Machine. Scalable cache-only virtual shared memory architecture.
- DICE. Direct Interconnection of Computing Elements. COMA for commercial servers.
- Dome. Distributed Object Migration Environment. Programming using distributed objects on a heterogeneous network.
- Excalibur. Compiling array-oriented languages onto parallel machines.
- Filaments. Fine-grain parallelism on shared- and distributed-memory machines.
- FLASH. Multiprocessor with shared-memory and message-passing protocols.
- HPFF. High Performance Fortran Forum. Data-parallel and data distribution extensions to Fortran.
- I-ACOMA. Illinois Aggressive COMA. Tightly-coupled multiprocessor with flat cache-only memory architecture.
- ICL. Innovative Computing Labs. Netlib, BLAS, HeNCE, LAPACK, MPI, PVM, etc.
- IMPACT. Illinios Microarchitecture Project utilizing Advanced Compiler Technology. Superscalar optimizing compiler.
- iWarp. Distributed memory parallel machine and applications.
- LAM. Local Area Multicomputer. Message-passing programming environment for heterogeneous networks.
- Linda. Coordination languages and tools for parallel and distributed computation, adaptive parallelism (Piranha).
- Mentat. Object-oriented architecture-independent parallel processing system.
- Mermaid. Performance evaluation of MIMD platforms.
- Mirage. Distributed shared memory system on network of workstations.
- NOW. Network Of Workstations. Using a network of workstations to act as a distributed supercomputer.
- NUMAchine. Modular, cost-effective and scalable shared-memory multiprocessor.
- NuMesh. Massively parallel interconnect with highly modular packaging.
- Omega. Frameworks, algorithms and software for analyzing and transforming scientific programs.
- Orca. Parallel programming language for distributed systems, based on shared data-object model.
- PADE. Parallel Applications Development Environment. Graphical application development environment for heterogeneous networked computers.
- PAPERS. Custom hardware for fast collective communication in PC cluster.
- Paradigm. PARAllelizing compiler for DIstributed-memory General-purpose Multicomputers.
- Paradyn. Performance measurement tools for large-scale parallel/distributed programs.
- PARL. Parallel Architecture Research Laboratory. Performance analysis of parallel and distributed architectures. NMSU TraceBase trace archive.
- pC++/Sage++. Portable parallel C++ for high performance computers.
- PCU. Software tools, computational science applications, visualization, algorithms, languages, theory.
- PDL. Parallel Data Laboratory. Parallel file systems, aggressive prefetching in file systems, and RAID.
- Phoenix. Tools for supercomputer programmers.
- PPL. Parallel Programming Laboratory. Software (CHARM), portable across MIMD machines, supporting message driven execution.
- ProperCAD. Parallel VLSI CAD applications based on an object-oriented parallel library.
- Proteus. Prototyping language and environment for high-level parallel programs.
- PSI. Parallel algebraic reductions on array expressions based on psi calculus.
- Quake. Supercomputer simulation of large basin motion during strong earthquakes.
- RPM. A hardware emulator for the rapid prototyping of multiprocessor systems.
- RTCL. The HARTS architecture and other research on interconnection networks.
- SCANDAL. Super Compilers and Advanced Languages. Nested data parallel languages (NESL), efficient parallel algorithms.
- Simple COMA. Hybrid hardware/software Cache-Only Memory Architecture implementation.
- Split-C. Parallel extension to C with global address space for distributed-memory multiprocessors.
- SUIF. Research into compiler techniques for parallel languages.
- WWT. Wisconsin Wind Tunnel. The interface between parallel hardware and parallel languages.
Other places to look
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And then please tell me where the group's home page is!
Jonathan Hardwick.
Generated on 24 May 96.