New Links In January 1995
January 28, 1995
- IWHPC CFP (International
Workshop on High Performance Computing).
- HICSS CFP (High Performance
Distributed Systems track).
- HPC'ASIA CFP (Asian Conference
on High Performance Computing and Communications).
- MPPOI'95 CFP (Second
International Conference on Massively Parallel Processing using Optical
- Ptools'95 CFP (Parallel
Tools Consortium 2nd Annual Meeting).
- IPPS '95 program (9th International Parallel Processing Symposium).
January 21, 1995
- I-ACOMA project
(Illinois Aggressive COMA).
- FALCON project (threads-based monitoring and steering of parallel
- PACT CFP (International Conference
on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques).
January 14, 1995
- GLU project (Granular Lucid).
January 12, 1995
- HPCC95 program (9th Annual High
Performance Computing and Communications Conference).
- Parallel Computing journal, CFP for
special issue on multiprocessor performance evaluation.
January 11, 1995
January 10, 1995
January 8, 1995
- HPPF 95 program (annual meeting of
High Performance Fortran Forum).
January 4, 1995
project (Purdue's Adapter for Parallel Execution and Rapid Synchronization).
January 3, 1995
- PPAI-95 CFP (workshop on Parallel
Processing in Artificial Intelligence).
- CC++ project.
Jonathan Hardwick,