New Links In January 1997
January 29, 1997
- CFP: Euro-Par'97 (general CFP)
(Euro-Par'97 (general CFP)).
- CFP: ISUG'97
(Intel Supercomputer Users Group 1997 Annual Conference).
- CFP: HiPC'97
(4th International Conference on High Performance Computing).
(1997 Transputer Research And Applications Conference).
January 25, 1997
- Group: ABCPL
(An object-Based Concurrent Language).
- Group: Active Messages.
- Group: AMDC
(Active-Message Driven Computing).
- Group: Chant
(A talking threads package).
- Group: Cid
(Parallel extension of C).
- Group: MPC++
(Massively Parallel, Message Passing, Meta-level Processing C++).
- Group: Multipol
(Library of distributed data structures for solving irregular problems).
- Group: Nexus
(Library for threads, communication, and resource control).
- Group: pH
(Parallel Haskell).
- Group: UC
(A set-based data-parallel programming language.).
January 19, 1997
- CFP: ParCo97
(Parallel Computing Conference).
- Program: CANPC'97
(Workshop on Communication and Architectural Support for Network-based Parallel Computing (at HPCA-3)).
January 12, 1997
- CFP: Euro-Par'97 Workshop #18
(Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Database Systems at Euro-Par'97).
- CFP: WoTUG20
(Parallel Programming and Java conference).
- CFP: PRS'97
(Parallel Rendering Symposium).
(Applications of Object Oriented Technology to Parallel Computing, at
- Journal CFP: JPDC (Journal of
Parallel and Distributed Computing, Special Issue on Parallel
Evolutionary Computing ).
January 9, 1997
- Program: CANPC'97
(Workshop on Communication and Architectural Support for Network-based
Parallel Computing).
- CFP: CCC'97 (Cluster
Computing Conference).
- Program: HPCA-3
(Symposium On High-Performance Computer Architecture).
(International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems).
- Program: IPCCC'97
(International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference).
- CFP: PODC'97
(Sixteenth ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing).
Jonathan Hardwick,