August 3, 2006
Best Buddies

August 3, 2006
"I'm a cute little leopard"

August 12, 2006
"Look mom, one hand!"

August 12, 2006
Elizabeth pushing Katie in the

August 13, 2006

August 14, 2006
tickle, tickle, tickle

August 20, 2006
who's turn is it to do the

August 20, 2006
getting ready to spend the day
in town
in a stroller built for two

August 21, 2006
modeling another dress great
grandma made

August 23, 2006
watering flowers at Phipps
and Botanical Gardens

August 23, 2006
taking a break outside Phipps

August 23, 2006
There are plants bigger than me!