July 4, 2007
Riding a carrousel at Kennywood

July 4, 2007
Riding the swings in Kiddieland
at Kennywood

July 6, 2007
Jumpy, Jumpy, Jumpy at Penn
Hills Community Days

July 6, 2007
Look at my great prizes from the
duck pond!!

July 8, 2007
C'mon Eliza, let's go!

July 10, 2007
We got to see Handyman Joe Negri
and Mr. McFeely
from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood

July 14, 2007
Katie riding her bike

July 14, 2007
"Firefly... where are you?"

July 17, 2007

July 22, 2007
Helping mommy make Baba

July 22, 2007
Eliza and Daddy

July 26, 2007
In front of the fountain at the
Detroit Zoo

July 27, 2007
Look at this chimpanzee at the
Toledo Zoo

July 27, 2007
"Shh, we have to hide from the
Toledo Zoo

July 27, 2007
"I'm ready to go swimming!!"