May 8, 2009
With Daddy at Phipps |

May 8, 2009
Making Bromeliads |

May 11, 2009
The popsicle at snack made my
lips match my dress! |

May 14, 2009
Home from Beach Day at school -
see my ocean in a bottle |

May 16, 2009
Showing off our newly made hats
at the Children's Festival |

May 17, 2009
Learning to play tennis at the
Children's Festival |

May 17, 2009
Waiting outside the Carnegie for
School of Computer Science Diploma ceremony to end |

May 20, 2009
Silly Hat Day at School
Katie made this all herself |

May 22, 2009
Lounging at Phipps |

May 25, 2009
Waiting for the parade |

May 25, 2009
Watching the parade go by |

May 26, 2009
Elizabeth at her Moving Up Day
Ceremony |

May 27, 2009
"This is my favorite cactus, do
you really think I'm going to touch it?"
Yes, she has a favorite
cactus |

May 28, 2009
Last Day of School for Elizabeth |

May 29, 2009
Last Day of School for Katie |