Feb 21, 2025

Celebrate with us!

Friday, February 21st
6:00pm to 11:00pm

University Center (UC)
2nd floor


SCS Day Begins!

@ UC 2nd Floor

Check-in & Food 🍕🍰

@ UC Rangos Ballroom

Come get checked-in and grab food!

(FREE for SCS students ONLY)

Art Gallery Opens 🖼

@ UC Class of 1987 Room

View art created by our talented SCS community!

The gallery will be open throughout the entire event.

Photo-op Opens 📷

@ UC Caffee Room

Stop by to get a photo with your favorite SCS course mascots!

This will be open until the talent show.


Pre-show Activities

@ UC 2nd Floor

Be on the lookout for SCS Day stickers scattered throughout the UC 2nd Floor!

Customize Your Own

Magical Wand 🪄✨

@ Rangos Ballroom 3

Customize your own magic wand/pointer with washi tape, stickers, and markers!

DIY Magic Potions 💐

@ Rangos Ballroom 3

Assemble your own concoction (of bath salts) to take home!

Cornholes 🌽

@ Rangos Ballroom 3

Grab your friends and some bean bags for a game of cornholes!


Talent Show: Act I

@ UC Rangos Ballroom

Hosted by Tom & Veronica!

>> Livestream link here!<<

MCDS got Talent | Sathwik Acharya, Niket Jain, Ishita Dasgupta

Night Changes | Nitya Bhat, Yashika Batra

CMU Tricking Club - Macarena with a twist | Dillon Shelton, Jerick Shi, Joanna Ge, Lydia Yang, Jason Tang, Taylor Roberts

Fly me to La Boheme | Aryeh Carmi

Yoyo I guess | Nick Ho

Monster - Charlie Puth | Claire Xu, Dennis Chen

CMU Star Wars: The Force Awakens | Jessica Han, Glenda Tan, Savi Thompson, Maile Estacion, Julia Yue, Jessica Wang, Gavin Glenn

Minute Loop | Eadin Wang

For Good from Wicked | Elaine Gombos, Sophia Gombos

8:30 pm


8:45 pm

Faculty Feud!

@ UC Rangos Ballroom

Hosted by Tom!

Team 1:

Anne Kohlbrenner

Daniel Anderson

Daniel Sleator

Henry Chai

Jim McCann

Team 2:

Andy Pavlo

Mike Taylor

Mor Harchol-Balter

Reid Simmons

Stephanie Balzer


Talent Show: Act II

@ UC Rangos Ballroom

Hosted by Tom & Veronica!

"Girl On Fire" (Alicia Keys) | Salina Mu

Beatboxing | Alistair Cheong

Seq of It | Kenechukwu Echezona

Ejector Crab | Kyle Booker, Janelle Tecson, JFrantz, Carlos Sanchez


Desserts & T-Shirts!

@ Outside UC Rangos Ballroom

Cookies 🍪

Grab some cookies after the show on the way out, courtesy of the Dean!

T-Shirts 👕

Get the SCS Day 2025 T-Shirt!*

(Designed by Amy Chen)

*If you would like a T-Shirt, please check-in at the table in front of UC Rangos Ballroom prior to the Talent Show.

Those leaving the Talent Show will have priority in receiving shirts.

Logo Competition Winners

T-Shirt Winner (middle):
Amy Chen

Sticker Winners (left to right):
Sarah Garland
Diane He
Sarah Ou
Emma Tong

What is SCS Day?

SCS Day is a celebration of diversity and talent in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. SCS Day is a dynamic event including games, jam sessions, art exhibits, an evening talent show, a battle amongst faculty members, and SCS swag.

All members of the SCS Community, including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni, are invited to display their talents and share their skills in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

All members of the CMU community are welcome to attend!


Kailey Hua

Head Organizer

Emma Tong


Adithya Ravichandran

Amy Chen

Andrew Zhou

Anuja Uppuluri

Charisse Qin

Claire Jin

Emily Amspoker

Emily Guo

Joelle Chan

Jojo Li

Ryan Kim

Veer Banwait

Catherine Copetas

Faculty Advisor