SCS Faculty Awards
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891
(412)268-8525 . (412)268-5576 (fax)

SCS Faculty: The National Order of the Legion of Honor, France

--The National Order of the Legion of Honor, founded by Napoleon Bonaparte, recognizes eminent service to the Republic of France. The Order has five ranks: Chevalier, Officier, Commandeur, Grand Officier, and Grand Croix. Recipients of this honor are named by decree signed by the President of the Republic. The Legion of Honor's illustrious past is commemorated at the Musee de la Legion d'Honneur et des Ordres de Chevalerie (National Museum of the Legion of Honor and the Orders of Chivalry), founded in the Palace of the Grand Chancellery (Paris) in 1925. It is supported by subscription by all French and foreign members of the Order.

  • Raj Reddy, 1984
    Awarded by President Mitterand of France

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