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3 December 1998

Takeo Kanade, Whitaker University Professor of Computer Science and Robotics and Director of the Robotics Institute, joins a growing list of distinguished Carnegie Mellon faculty members chosen to be Fellows of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). He will be inducted Saturday, May 15, 1999, in New York City.

The citation notes that the "Fellows designation is bestowed upon those ACM members who have distinguished themselves by outstanding technical and professional achievements in the field of information technology."

The ACM Fellows program was established in 1993, with the first group of inductions completed in 1994.

Other Fellows with ties to Carnegie Mellon include:

Roger Bate, 1997
Edmund Clarke, 1998
Larry Druffel (SEI), 1995
John Goodenough (SEI), 1995
Takeo Kanade (SCS), 1999
Dana Scott (SCS/Philosophy/Math), 1994
Mary Shaw (SCS), 1996
Daniel P. Siewiorek (SCS/ECE/ICES), 1994
Herbert A. Simon (SCS/Psychology), 1994
Jeannette Wing (SCS), 1998

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