Entry Form
The 19th Annual Pretty Good Race
Friday, 10 September 1999, 4:30pm
Start and finish on Schenley Park trails under the Panther Hollow Bridge
(from end of Frew St. Cross Schenley Drive to road behind Phipps
Conservatory. Follow road past equipment barns to start line). Distance:
5 Km. Open to all members of the SCS/SEI community, families
and friends.
Awards to the first man and first woman who finish.
Winning team name engraved on plaque in CS Lounge.
Name:  _________________________________________________________________
Campus Address:  ________________________________________________________
Campus Phone Number:  ___________________________________________________
Check which area you are associated with and you are automatically on
that team.
Undergrad |
Theory |
Robotics |
Staff |
Programming Systems |
Computer Systems |
Artificial Intelligence |
Other ____________ |
T-shirt size:
I hereby certify that I am participating in the Pretty Good Race to have
fun, that I think I am in good enough shape to finish it the same day on
which it starts, and no matter what happens to me during the race or
traveling to or from it, I, my heirs, executors, and administrators will
not hold Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science or any and
all individuals associated with this race responsible for any and all
damages or injuries incurred by participating. I attest and certify
that I have read the application and understand this release by signing
Signature: ___________________________________________
Attach cash or check for $9.50 made out to School of Computer Science.
Entry Deadline: Noon, Wednesday 8, September 1999.
Entries collected in Wean Hall 4614 (Ellen) or SEI MEssage Center.