Distributed Localization of Modular Robot Ensembles


In Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems

Stanislav Funiak, Padmanabhan Pillai, Michael P. Ashley-Rollman, Jason D. Campbell, and Seth Copen Goldstein

Jun 1990


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  author = {Funiak, Stanislav and Pillai, Padmanabhan and
     Ashley-Rollman, Michael P. and Campbell, Jason D. and Goldstein,
     Seth Copen},
  title = {Distributed Localization of Modular Robot Ensembles},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},
  year = {2008},
  month = {Jun},
  abstract = {Internal localization, the problem of estimating
     relative pose for each module (part) of a modular robot is a
     prerequisite for many shape control, locomotion, and actuation
     algorithms. In this paper, we propose a robust hierarchical
     approach that uses normalized cut to identify dense subregions
     with small mutual localization error, then progressively merges
     those subregions to localize the entire ensemble. Our method
     works well in both 2D and 3D, and requires neither exact
     measurements nor rigid inter-module connectors. Most of the
     computations in our method can be effectively distributed. The
     result is a robust algorithm that scales to large,
     non-homogeneous ensembles. We evaluate our algorithm in accurate
     2D and 3D simulations of scenarios with up to 10,000 modules.},
  keywords = {Distributed Systems, Localization, Meld},
  url = {http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~claytronics/papers/funiak-rss2008.pdf},
  see = {funiak-ijrr09},

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