Tartan: Evaluating Spatial Computation for Whole Program Execution


In 12th ACM International Conference on Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)

Mahim Mishra, Timothy J Callahan, Tiberiu Chelcea, Girish Venkataramani, Mihai Budiu, and Seth Copen Goldstein

pages 163–174, San Jose, CA

Oct 1990


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  title = {Tartan: Evaluating Spatial Computation for Whole Program
  author = {Mishra, Mahim and Callahan, Timothy J and Chelcea, Tiberiu
     and Venkataramani, Girish and Budiu, Mihai and Goldstein, Seth
  booktitle = {12th ACM International Conference on Architecture
     Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
  year = {2006},
  pages = {163--174},
  address = {San Jose, CA},
  month = {Oct},
  abstract = {Spatial Computing (SC) has been shown to be an
     energy-efficient model for implementing program kernels. In this
     paper we explore the feasibility of using SC for more than small
     kernels. To this end, we evaluate the performance and energy
     efficiency of entire applications on Tartan, a general-purpose
     architecture which integrates a reconfigurable fabric (RF) with a
     superscalar core. Our compiler automatically partitions and
     compiles an application into an instruction stream for the core
     and a configuration for the RF. We use a detailed simulator to
     capture both timing and energy numbers for all parts of the
     system. \par Our results indicate that a hierarchical RF
     architecture, designed around a scalable interconnect, is
     instrumental in harnessing the benefits of spatial computation.
     The interconnect uses static configuration and routing at the
     lower levels and a packet-switched, dynamically-routed network at
     the top level. Tartan is most energy-efficient when almost all of
     the application is mapped to the RF, indicating the need for the
     RF to support most general-purpose programming constructs. Our
     initial investigation reveals that such a system can provide, on
     average, an order of magnitude improvement in energy-delay
     compared to an aggressive superscalar core on single-threaded
  keywords = {Asychronous Circuits, Spatial Computing, Reconfigurable
     Computing,Phoenix, Tartan},
  url = {http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~seth/papers/mahim-asplos06.pdf},

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Mihai Budiu and Seth Copen Goldstein. Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report No. CMU-CS-02-107, pages 20, May 1990.
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Mahim Mishra and Seth Copen Goldstein. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Non-Silicon Computing (NSC-1), 1990.
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Seth Copen Goldstein and Mihai Budiu. In Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), pages 178–189, Jul 1990.
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Mihai Budiu, Majd Sakr, Kevin Walker, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In Proceedings of the 2000 Europar Conference, volume 1900, pages 969–979, Aug 1990. Also appeared as CMU CS Technical Report, CMU-CS-00-141, October 2000..
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Girish Venkataramani, Tobias Bjerregaard, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 25(5):756–771, 1990.
Leveraging Protocol Knowledge in Slack Matching
Girish Venkataramani and Seth Copen Goldstein. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), Nov 1990.
Modeling the Global Critical Path in Concurrent Systems
Girish Venkataramani, Tiberiu Chelcea, Mihai Budiu, and Seth Copen Goldstein. Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report No. CMU-CS-06-144, Aug 1990.
Tartan: Evaluating Spatial Computation for Whole Program Execution
Mahim Mishra, Timothy J Callahan, Tiberiu Chelcea, Girish Venkataramani, Mihai Budiu, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In 12th ACM International Conference on Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 163–174, Oct 1990.
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David Ryan Koes, Tiberiu Chelcea, Charles Onyeama, and Seth Copen Goldstein. Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report No. CMU-CS-05-101, pages 20, May 1990.
SOMA: A Tool for Synthesizing and Optimizing Memory Accesses in ASICs
Girish Venkataramani, Tobias Bjerregaard, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES-ISSS), pages 231–236, Sep 1990.
HLS Support for Unconstrained Memory Accesses
Girish Venkataramani, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In IEEE 14th International Workshop on Logic Synthesis (IWLS), Jun 1990.
Spatial Computation
Mihai Budiu, Girish Venkataramani, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 14–26, Oct 1990.
Translating ANSI C to Asynchronous Circuits
Mihai Budiu, Girish Venkataramani, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In 10th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC '04), Apr 1990.
C to Asynchronous Dataflow Circuits: An End-to-End Toolflow
Girish Venkataramani, Mihai Budiu, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In IEEE 13th International Workshop on Logic Synthesis (IWLS), Jun 1990.
Molecules, Gates, Circuits, Computer
Seth Copen Goldstein and Mihai Budiu. In Molecular Nanoelectronics, Jan 1990.
Spatial Computing
Hardware Compilation of Application-Specific Memory Access Interconnect
Girish Venkataramani, Tobias Bjerregaard, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 25(5):756–771, 1990.
Leveraging Protocol Knowledge in Slack Matching
Girish Venkataramani and Seth Copen Goldstein. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), Nov 1990.
Modeling the Global Critical Path in Concurrent Systems
Girish Venkataramani, Tiberiu Chelcea, Mihai Budiu, and Seth Copen Goldstein. Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report No. CMU-CS-06-144, Aug 1990.
Tartan: Evaluating Spatial Computation for Whole Program Execution
Mahim Mishra, Timothy J Callahan, Tiberiu Chelcea, Girish Venkataramani, Mihai Budiu, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In 12th ACM International Conference on Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 163–174, Oct 1990.
Dataflow: A Complement to Superscalar
Mihai Budiu, Pedro V. Artigas, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), pages 177–186, Mar 1990.
SOMA: A Tool for Synthesizing and Optimizing Memory Accesses in ASICs
Girish Venkataramani, Tobias Bjerregaard, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES-ISSS), pages 231–236, Sep 1990.
HLS Support for Unconstrained Memory Accesses
Girish Venkataramani, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In IEEE 14th International Workshop on Logic Synthesis (IWLS), Jun 1990.
Spatial Computation
Mihai Budiu, Girish Venkataramani, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 14–26, Oct 1990.
Translating ANSI C to Asynchronous Circuits
Mihai Budiu, Girish Venkataramani, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In 10th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC '04), Apr 1990.
C to Asynchronous Dataflow Circuits: An End-to-End Toolflow
Girish Venkataramani, Mihai Budiu, Tiberiu Chelcea, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In IEEE 13th International Workshop on Logic Synthesis (IWLS), Jun 1990.
Defect Tolerance After the Roadmap
Mahim Mishra and Seth Copen Goldstein. In Proceedings of the 10th International Test Synthesis Workshop (ITSW), Mar 1990.
Defect Tolerance at the End of the Roadmap
Mahim Mishra and Seth Copen Goldstein. In Proceedings of the International Test Conference (ITC), 2003, Sep 1990.
Molecules, Gates, Circuits, Computer
Seth Copen Goldstein and Mihai Budiu. In Molecular Nanoelectronics, Jan 1990.
Optimizing Memory Accesses For Spatial Computation
Mihai Budiu and Seth Copen Goldstein. In Proceedings of the 1st International ACM/IEEE Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 03), pages 216–227, Mar 1990.
Compiling Application-Specific Hardware
Mihai Budiu and Seth Copen Goldstein. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, pages 853–863, Sep 1990.
Factors Influencing the Performance of a CPU-RFU Hybrid Architecture
Girish Venkataramani, Suraj Sudhir, Mihai Budiu, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), pages 955–965, Sep 1990.
Pegasus: An Efficient Intermediate Representation
Mihai Budiu and Seth Copen Goldstein. Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report No. CMU-CS-02-107, pages 20, May 1990.
NanoFabrics: Spatial Computing Using Molecular Electronics
Seth Copen Goldstein and Mihai Budiu. In Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), pages 178–189, Jul 1990.
BitValue Inference: Detecting and Exploiting Narrow Bitwidth Computations
Mihai Budiu, Majd Sakr, Kevin Walker, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In Proceedings of the 2000 Europar Conference, volume 1900, pages 969–979, Aug 1990. Also appeared as CMU CS Technical Report, CMU-CS-00-141, October 2000..
Tartan: Evaluating Spatial Computation for Whole Program Execution
Mahim Mishra, Timothy J Callahan, Tiberiu Chelcea, Girish Venkataramani, Mihai Budiu, and Seth Copen Goldstein. In 12th ACM International Conference on Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 163–174, Oct 1990.

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