OldPaulNet is a confederation of persons around the U.S. bonded by their
obsessive interest in Paul. Founded in 1867 shortly after the
Paul-American War, to this day OldPaulNet has remained a highly select and
prestigious association, its membership peaking at 387 during the
Paul Hearings of 1912.
The Paul Exhibit
List of Members:
- babson@msri.org (Eric the Knife)
- jbanks@dbna.com (Jerome Banks)
- kbell@d0upg2.fnal.gov
(Kenny Bell)
- breaden@apple.com (Matt Breaden)
- jared@gauss.stanford.edu
(Jared Bronski)
- sfc@cs.cmu.edu (Pig Dog)
- BTSBOSTON/BTSBOSTON/oscard%Boston_Treasury_Systems@mcimail.com (Oscar Duran)
- dfinnell@physics.rutgers.edu
(Donald Finnell)
- tracy@dbna.com (Tracy Fu)
- shaneg@microsoft.com (Shane Groff and Susan Holveck)
- todd@atlas.socsci.umn.edu
(Todd Kaplan)
- danny@cherrypit.princeton.edu
(Danny Rintoul)
- rubinov@fnal.fnal.gov (P-P-P-Paul)
- ray@rsa.com (Ray Sidney)
- tully@puphep.princeton.edu (Chris Tully)
OldPaulNet / oldpaulnet-request@das.harvard.edu (for information) /
oldpaulnet@das.harvard.edu (mailing list) / last modified 98/10/16