Carnegie Mellon   RAIRE Award

Appendix 1
Self-efficacy: Evaluation of Summer Undergraduate Research
Kenneth Unice, Doctoral Student, Engineering and Public Policy

Social cognitive theory, originally proposed by Albert Bandura, describes how behavioral, environmental and personal factors in people’s lives influence each other. The central mediator in social cognitive theory is a construct termed self-efficacy, which represents people’s beliefs in their capability to organize actions into desired results and behaviors. In the fields such as health, education and treatment of phobias, experimental research has demonstrated that for two people of similar abilities, the one with greater confidence in their abilities will perform at a higher level. Apart from specific content and bodies of knowledge, institutions of post-secondary learning should provide their students with experiences that leave students feeling confident they are able to regulate their own learning and exert influence in the world surrounding them. People who are confident in their abilities to achieve valued outcomes enjoy rewarding careers and personal lives.

One implicit outcome of graduating from a 2 or 4-year college program is that students gain varying levels of confidence in their ability to master the requirements of the classroom. In addition, students with higher levels of classroom self-efficacy tend to achieve higher G.P.A.’s. The link between confidence (and success) in the classroom and career success is less clear. We believe that by completing intensive undergraduate research projects over the course of a summer, students develop confidence and skills in career related areas that might not be reflected by changes in G.P.A. or increased confidence in the classroom. Measurable increases in ‘career-skills’ self-efficacy attributed to the completion of specific programs (e.g. undergraduate research) would be an excellent indicator of student growth.

Using the self-efficacy framework, we are studying whether undergraduate research during the summer enhances domains of self-efficacy that are pertinent to success as an engineering or scientific professional. These domains include technical ability (e.g. How well can you design an experiment to test a specific hypothesis?), communication skill (e.g. How well can you verbally communicate technical or scientific details to your peers) and interviewing ability (e.g. How likely do think it is that you would be offered a job as a result of your interview?). This study includes 10 RAIRE students, 10 additional undergraduate researchers at Carnegie Mellon, 9 students completing industry internships and 6 students working summer jobs unrelated to their major. Thus, the effectiveness of undergraduate research, typical summer jobs and industry internships will be compared. Each of these students has completed a pre-summer survey. Two additional surveys will be administered to these students; surveys will be distributed at the end of the summer and sometime during December 1999. Some of the undergraduate researchers will be selected for extensive interviews during the summer. In addition, we will be interviewing the advisors of some of these students to assess the correspondence between the level if student efficacy beliefs and their actual performance.

Based on the knowledge learned from this pilot study, we plan to distribute a self-efficacy survey to a large population of students at many universities next summer. A model of self-efficacy enhancements in the three groups (researchers, interns and summer jobs) will be created and cross-validated.

Survey questions

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