Mary Shaw: Educational Publications

Mary Shaw: Educational Publications

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  • Mary Shaw (ed). The Carnegie-Mellon Curriculum for Undergraduate Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 1985, 198 pp. (Final report of Curriculum Design Group: Stephen D. Brookes, Marc Donner, James Driscoll, Michael Mauldin, Randy Pausch, William L. Scherlis, Mary Shaw, and Alfred Z. Spector.)

    Journal and Conference Papers

  • Carol Hoover, Nancy Mead, and Mary Shaw. "The CMU Master of Software Engineering Specialization Tracks." Proc 9th Conf on Software Engineering Education, 1996.

  • Mary Shaw. "The General and the Turkey: a Participatory Introduction to Large-Scale Software." Proc ICSE-16 Workshop on Software Engineering Education, 1994, to appear.

  • David Garlan and Mary Shaw. "Programming Exercises for Software Architecture." Proc ICSE-16 Workshop on Software Engineering Education, 1994, to appear.

  • David Garlan, Mary Shaw, Chris Okasaki, Curtis M. Scott, and Roy F. Swonger. "Experience with a Course on Architectures for Software Systems." Proceedings of SEI Software Engineering Education Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 640, Springer-Verlag 1992, pp. 23-43].

  • Mary Shaw and James E. Tomayko. "Models for Undergraduate Project Courses in Software Engineering". Review paper for curriculum design workshop, MIT Endicott House, January 1991. Also in J. E. Tomayko (ed), Software Engineering Education (Proc. Fifth SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education), Springer-Verlag 1991, pp.33-71.

    Informal Papers, Technical Reports, Working Drafts

  • Mary Shaw. "Putting 'Engineering' into Software Engineering." Proc Computer Science Conference to appear March 1994 (invited talk summary).

  • Mary Shaw. "We Can Teach Software Better." Computing Research News, 4, 4, September 1992, pp. 2, 3, 4, 12. Reprinted in Journal of Computer Science Education, 7, 3, Spring 1993, pp. 4-7.

    Updated 8/1/96 by Mary Shaw
    Comments to maintainer