Workshop Schedule: AAAI-97 Workshop on On-Line Search

Monday, July 28; 8:30am - 6:00pm

 8:30 Introduction (Sven Koenig)
 8:40 Invited Talk: On-Line Search in Robotics (Howie Choset)
 9:20 Invited Talk: On-Line Search in Theoretical Computer Science (TBA)
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Talks (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion)
        - 10:30 Best Information Planning for Unknown, Uncertain, and Changing Domains
        - 10:50 Commencing Execution 
        - 11:10 A Robust and Fast Action Selection Mechanism for Planning
        - 11:30 On-Line Graph Searching by a Smell-Oriented Vertex Process
        - 11:50 Estimator Variance in Reinforcement Learning: Theoretical Problems and Practical Solutions
        - 12:10 A New Heuristic Approach for Dual Control
12:30 Lunch (and a chance to contribute to the "Wall of Great Ideas")
 2:10 Poster Advertisements (5 minutes for presentation)
        -  2:10 On-Line Search for Real-Time Problem Solving in Dynamic Environments
        -  2:15 Multi-Robot Rendezvous in Unknown Environments, or, What to do When You're Lost at the Zoo
	-  2:20 New Strategies in Learning Real-Time Heuristic Search
        -  2:25 The Influence of a Domain's Behavioral Laws on On-Line Learning	
	-  2:30 Algorithms for Informed Cows
        -  2:35 A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Exploring Unknown Graphs with Deficiency d
        -  2:40 An Analysis of Non-Markov Automata Games: Implications for Reinforcement Learning 
        -  2:45 Search in the Context of Complex Robot-World Interaction
        -  2:50 GenSAT: A Navigational Approach
        -  2:55 Tradeoffs in the Design of On-Line Systems
 3:00 Poster Session (and another chance to contribute to the "Wall of Great Ideas")
 4:00 Coffee Break (and last chance to contribute to the "Wall of Great Ideas")
 4:30 Talks (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion)
        -  4:30 Using Abstraction to Interleave Planning and Execution
        -  4:50 Many Looks before a Leap
        -  5:10 Resource-Limited Information Retrieval in a Distributed Environment
 5:30 Panel (moderator: Richard Korf)

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