
The Indian Winter - in a nutshell

( Dec 20, 2005 - Jan 14th, 2006 ) 

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I was in India last winter. I reached safely but my luggage didnt. Good time needless to say. 

Caught up with  friends and teachers ( and their daughters) . 

Spent a lot of time eating - either visiting people, or inviting them over. So I checked my weight at the end of the trip, but made someone else pay for it

Made people do stupid things. And they obliged. Captured them on camera - not once, not twice, but as long as it pleased me

Sometimes I got stupid too. Actually, many a times

Slept. Or pretended to.

Visited people to cook a lunch for them. It turned out really good - to their utter surprise.  

Freaked my dog out. He sought revenge and peed on Rajaram's bike.

Went to school. While some listened to what I had to say, others were just curious to know this person was  ! After school,  Little Rock looks haunted. Otherwise there is fun and frolic.

Overall, good times

Last Updated : Oct 20th, 2006