William Warner Sleator III

William Sleator is the author of over 30 young adult books, including "Interstellar Pig", "The Green Futures of Tycho", "House of Stairs", "Strange Attractors", "The Spirit House". Here is a list of all his books, along with photos of selected covers.

Sleator passed away on August 3rd, 2011. We have set up a page where people can share their thoughts about him.

Sleator began writing books at a very young age. As a teenager he wrote and illustrated "The Curse" to entertain his younger brothers Danny and Tycho.

He was also an accomplished musician and composer. Here is a sonata for violin and piano that he wrote in 1965.

Royce Williams has created an excellent web site dedicated to The Green Futures of Tycho. The site also contains an information and web link page about William Sleator and his family.

Around the kitchen table in St. Louis, Christmas, 1964; Billy, Tycho, Danny, and Vicky.

Daniel Sleator
Last modified: Sun Aug 14 11:54:50 EDT 2011