An example

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An example


Perhaps the best way to understand how to write a link grammar for English is to study an example. The following dictionary does not cover the complete grammar of the words it contains, but it does handle a number of phenomena: verb-noun agreement, adjectives, questions, infinitives, prepositional phrases, and relative clauses.

the:       D+;
a:         Ds+;
John Mary:
  J- or O- or (({C- or CL-} & S+) or SI-);
dog cat park bone stick:
  {@A-} & Ds-
  & {@M+ or (C+ & Bs+)}
  & (J- or O- or ({C- or CL-} & Ss+) or SIs-);
dogs cats parks bones sticks:
  {@A-} & {Dm-}
  & {@M+ or (C+ & Bp+)}
  & (J- or O- or ({C- or CL-} & Sp+) or SIp-);
  (SIs+ or Ss- or (Z- & B-))
  & (((B- or O+) & {@EV+}) or T+);
  (SI+ & I+)
  or ((S- or (Z- & B-))
     & (((B- or O+) & {@EV+}) or I+));
can may will must:
  (SI+ or S- or (Z- & B-)) & I+;
is was:
  (Ss- or (Z- & Bs-) or SIs+)
  & (AI+ or O+ or B- or V+ or Mp+);
touch chase meet:
  (Sp- or (Z- & Bp-) or I-)
  & (O+ or B-) & {@EV+};
touches chases meets:
  (Ss- or (Z- & Bs-)) & (O+ or B-) & {@EV+};
touched chased met:
  (V- or M-
    or ((S- or (Z- & B- ) or T-) & (O+ or B-)))
  & {@EV+};
touching chasing meeting: 
  (GI- or M-) & (O+ or B-) & {@EV+};
die arrive: 
  (Sp- or (Z- & Bp-) or I-) & {@EV+};
dies arrives:
  (Ss- or (Z- & Bs-)) & {@EV+};
died arrived:
  (S- or (Z- & B-) or T-) & {@EV+};
dying arriving:
  (GI- or M-) & {@EV+};
with in by:
  J+ & (Mp- or EV-);
big black ugly:
  A+ or (AI- & {@EV+});
  (C- & {Z+ or CL+}) or B+ or Ss+;

Thu Oct 12 13:01:13 EDT 1995