Nov 29, 2013

Synergy, Security, and Tips

This article introduces how to set up synergy, a tool which lets you easily share your mouse and keyboard for multiple computers.


The Forge

More displays mean better productivity to me. Currently, I’m using five — two for emacs, one for terminal, one for email, one for web search — and I find them very useful.

Ideally, you may have a computer and a special hardware such as KVM switches or Matrox TripleHead2Go which connects multiple monitors to a single machine. However, they are pretty expensive and not an option for a poor graduate student like me.

The alternative is to have multiple machines, each connected to one or two displays. Then, you can use synergy to control them with a single mouse/keyboard. In my case, I have two desktops and one laptop. With shared clipboard feature, you have an illusion of having a single machine with multiple displays.

Basic Setup

Basic Setup

In this article, I explain the set up based on my configuration. I have Macbook Air, iMac, and a Linux machine. We will install synergy server on the Linux machine and two clients on Macbook Air and iMac.

Linux (server)

  • Download and install synergy from the webpage.
  • I’m using version 1.4.12, protocol version 1.4
  • Save the following file as ~/.synergy.conf. You may need to edit screens and links section. You also need to provide an IP address of each machine in aliases section.
# +--------+ +--------+ +-------+
# | Mac Air| | Linux  | | iMac  |
# +--------+ +--------+ +-------+

section: screens
halfDuplexCapsLock = false
halfDuplexNumLock = false
halfDuplexScrollLock = false
xtestIsXineramaUnaware = false
switchCorners = none
switchCornerSize = 0

halfDuplexCapsLock = false
halfDuplexNumLock = false
halfDuplexScrollLock = false
xtestIsXineramaUnaware = false
switchCorners = none
switchCornerSize = 0

halfDuplexCapsLock = false
halfDuplexNumLock = false
halfDuplexScrollLock = false
xtestIsXineramaUnaware = false
switchCorners = none
switchCornerSize = 0

section: links
right = iMac
left = MacAir
left = Linux
right = Linux

section: options
relativeMouseMoves = false
screenSaverSync = true
win32KeepForeground = false
switchCorners = none
switchCornerSize = 0

section: aliases
<IP of Linux>
<IP of iMac>
<IP of MacAir>
  • You can start synergy daemon by typing
synergys --daemon --name Linux -c ~/.synergy.conf

Mac (client)

I found problems using the client that I get from It seems Quicksynergy works on my Mac machines. You can start the client by typing

/Applications/ \
                            --name <CLIENT_NAME> localhost

In my configuration, <CLIENT_NAME> is either iMac or MacAir.

Security Issue

The above setup has a security issue. Whatever you type will be sent from the server (Linux) to the other machines (iMac/MacAir) as a plain text. It means that any computer in the same network can see what you type including passwords. This could be problem if you are on a school/company network.

Synergy recently started to provide encryption methods. However, there is a recent article discussing the problem of the current encryption methods and possible attacks on them.

However, we can still rely on SSH tunneling. Simply put, we create a secure channel of communication between a server and clients. Then, let synergy use the channel to exchange information.

In server (linux), we start synergy daemon with --address :24800 option to specify the port number which we use as a tunnel.

/usr/bin/synergys --daemon --name Linux -c ~/.synergy.conf --address :24800

In client, we first establish the SSH tunnel and run synergy client:

ssh -f -N -L localhost:24800:<SERVER-HOSTNAME>:24800 <SERVER-HOSTNAME>
/Applications/ \
                                        --name <CLIENT_NAME> localhost

Here <SERVER-HOSTNAME> is either IP address or domain name of the server.

Tip: Keyboard Shortcut to Navigate Screens

Having multiple monitors create a new problem. It takes some time to move the mouse pointer from one side to the other side (in my case, it’s about 5400px to cross). Fortunately, synergy provides a solution for this problem. You can add the following to the ~/.synergy.conf file on the server.

section: options
keystroke(shift+alt+left) = switchInDirection(left)
keystroke(shift+alt+right) = switchInDirection(right)

Now you can press shift+alt+left/right to move the focus to the left and right.

Tip: Wakeup Script

There is a possible problem when the computers go to the sleep mode. You can wake up the computer which has a mouse and keyboard connected. However, there are no ways to wake up the other machines. In my case, they are Mac machines and I found the following “wakeup” script from the web.

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>

#include <iostream>

void set_request_idle(bool request)
    io_registry_entry_t entry = IORegistryEntryFromPath(kIOMasterPortDefault,
    if (entry == MACH_PORT_NULL) {

    IORegistryEntrySetCFProperty(entry, CFSTR("IORequestIdle"),
            request ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse);


int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    const std::string &command = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "";

    if (command == "idle") {
    } else if (command == "wake") {
    } else {
        std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " (idle|wake)\n";
        return 1;

    return 0;

You can save the file as and compile it on Mac as follows.

clang++ -Wall -O3 -framework Foundation -framework IOKit \
        -o ~/bin/wakeup

Then you can ssh from the server to a client and remotely execute the wakeup script as follows:

(SERVER) $ ssh <CLIENT_IP> "~/bin/wakeup wake"