benchmark results

click on a benchmark to see an analysis of the checker results
benchmark number of
test points
cpu time (s)
best (min W,max A)
for full route
toy1 60 0.05 56 (10, 1.00)
toy2 90 0.06 86 (20, 1.19)
fract 117 0.14 488 (35, 1.00)
fract2 126 0.13 546 (26, 1.24)
fract3 126 0.16 644 (21, 1.33)
primary1 191 1.25 4017 (76, 1.00)
primary2 100 36.38 34269 (135, 1.00)
struct 171 5.11 8919 (50, 1.00)
biomed 12 186.37 134404 (175, 1.00)
industry1 25 29.27 40031 (150, 1.00)
industry2 9 88.92 * *
(*the checker program is unable to determine statistics for the industry2 benchmark)

list of graphs

list of tables

the table file format for checker results is

 W A unrouted cellerr neterr utime stime

cpu times are based on a sun sparc ultra running sloaris (weh5201)


overall, these results were as expected. the graphs look like the handout, changing W and A have the expected result. as W decreases and A increases, the amount of wiring space in each cell decreases, causing more cells to fill over capacity. as W increases and A decreases, the amount of wiring space increases, making it easier for the router. the router does, however, hit a minimum wirelenth value, where further increasing W (and decreasing A) has no effect.

since the router seems to be fast and "reasonable" W values can be found to route every benchmark to 100% with no errors i think the initial design decisions were sufficient.

without other data to compare with it is difficult to make a much more detailed analysis.