jeffrey a brown

local address:
4705 fifth ave - apt 1b
pittsburgh, pa 15213
412 681 4527
permanent address:
1710 hard scrabble rd
newport, ny 13416
315 891 3292


to obtain a position as a digital design or research engineer, especially involving one or more of digital hardware design, embedded design, robotics design, vlsi design, and/or low level programming.


carnegie mellon university, gpa: 3.3/4.0
b.s. in electrical and computer engineering: may 1999
m.s. in electrical and computer engineering: expected december 1999


embedded systems design
distributed embedded systems
digital computation
vlsi cad: logic to layout
testability and testable design
operating system design
mechatronic system design
mobile robot programming
digital design project
digital integrated circuit design
superscalar processor design
employment: teaching assistant
august 1999 - present
carnegie mellon university: dept of electrical and computer engineering. pittsburgh, pa
duties include assisting with design and debugging of lab projects, running weekly lab sessions, and assisting students with homework and lab assignments for the department's introductory computer engineering course.

embedded systems engineer
july 1999 - august 1999
cytometrics inc: engineering. philadelphia, pa
duties included assisting with debugging and testing of pci video digitizer card, assisting with modifications of the cards, and developing drivers and test code for an embedded real time vision system.

research engineer
july 1997 - july 1999
carnegie mellon university: robotics institute: raven project. pittsburgh, pa
duties included research, design, prototyping, and testing of high-speed digital hardware for the reconfigurable computer vision machine project. specifically, designed a d/a framebuffer module for the system to display incoming 50megabyte/s comport data on a variety of monitors.

laboratory assistant
august 1996 - june 1997, october 1995 - may 1996
carnegie mellon university: robotics institute: kirin group. pittsburgh, pa
duties included precision smt and thru-hole soldering, pc maintenance, and information retrieval for computer vision engineers.

skills: programming languages: c, c++, java, pascal, fortran, assembly (80x86, 68xxx, 6502)
hardware description languages: verilog, vhdl, abel, ahdl, palasm
activities: driving, movies, racketball, skiing, swimming