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CMU Sphinx Workshop 2010
CMU Sphinx Users and Developers Workshop

13 March 2010, Dallas, TX
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CMU Sphinx is one of the most popular open source speech recognition systems. It is currently used by researchers and developers in many locations world-wide, including universities, research institutions and in industry. CMU Sphinx's liberal license terms has made it a significant member of the open source community and has provided a low-cost way for companies to build businesses around speech recognition.

The first SPUD workshop aims at bringing together CMU Sphinx users, to report on applications, developments and experiments conducted using the system. This workshop is intended to be an open forum that will allow different user communities to become better acquainted with each other and to share ideas. It is also an opportunity for the community to help define the future evolution of CMU Sphinx.

We are planning a one-day workshop with a limited number of oral presentations, chosen for breadth and stimulation, held in an informal atmosphere that promotes discussion. We hope this workshop will expose participants to different perspectives and that this in turn will help foster new directions in research, suggest interesting variations on current approaches and lead to new applications.


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