ConCert Reading Group - 2005 Archive
Readings from 2005:
- 5 Dec - Coinductive big-step operational semantics. Xavier Leroy
- 21 Nov - What Are Principal Typings and What Are They Good For? Trevor Jim
- 14 Nov - A Compositional Natural Semantics and Hoare Logic for Low-Level Languages. Ando Saabas and Tarmo Uustalu
- 7 Nov - A Proof of the Church-Rosser Theorem and its Representation in a Logical Framework. Frank Pfenning
- 24 Oct - Combinators for Bi-Directional Tree Transformations: A Linguistic Approach to the View-Update Problem. J. Nathan Foster, Michael B. Greenwald, Jonathan T. Moore, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Alan Schmitt
- 17 Oct - A Logical Analysis of Aliasing in Imperative Higher-Order Functions. Martin Berger, Kohei Honda, Nobuko Yoshida
- 10 Oct - Contextual Modal Type Theory. Aleksandar Nanevski, Frank Pfenning, Brigitte Pientka
- 3 Oct - Choice in Dynamic Linking. Martin Abadi, Georges Gonthier, Benjamin Werner
- 26 Sep - Computational Types from a Logical Perspective. P. N. Benton, G. M. Bierman, V. C. V. dePaiva
- 19 Sep - A Judgmental Reconstruction of Modal Logic. Frank Pfenning and Rowan Davies
- 12 Sep - On the Meanings of the Logical Constants and the Justifications of the Logical Laws. Per Martin-Löf
- 22 Aug - Explicit Substitutions. M. Abadi, L. Cardelli, P.-L. Curien, J.-J. Levy
- 15 Aug - Notions of computation and monads. Eugenio Moggi
- 8 Aug - An Expressive Language of Signatures. Norman Ramsey, Kathleen Fisher, and Paul Govereau
- 1 Aug - An Explicit Substitution Notation in a lambdaProlog Implementation. Gopalan Nadathur
- 18 July - Flexible Type Analysis. Karl Crary and Stephanie Weirich
- 11 July - TypeCase: A design pattern for type-indexed functions. Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira and Jeremy Gibbons
- 20 June - Intensional Polymorphism in Type-Erasure Semantics. Karl Crary, Stephanie Weirich, and Greg Morrisett
- 13 June - Compiling Polymorphism Using Intensional Type Analysis. Robert Harper and Greg Morrisett
- 30 May - Mismatch. Alessio Guglielmi
- 23 May - The geometry of interaction machine. Ian Mackie
- 16 May - GADTs + Extensible Kinds = Dependent Programming. Tim Sheard
- 2 May - Composable memory transactions. Tim Harris, Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton Jones, and Maurice Herlihy.
- 25 April - Why Dependent Types Matter. Thorsten Altenkirch, Conor McBride, and James McKinna
- 18 April - The Girard-Reynolds Isomorphism (second edition). Philip Wadler
- 11 April - Types, Abstraction, and Parametric Polymorphism. John Reynolds (translation key)
- 4 April - From Hilbert spaces to Dilbert spaces: context semantics made simple. Harry Mairson
- 21 March - Definitional interpreters for higher-order programming languages. John Reynolds
- 7 March - A Logical Algorithm for ML Type Inference. David McAllester
- 28 February - A Unified Theory of Garbage Collection. David F. Bacon, Perry Cheng, and V.T. Rajan
- 14 February - The Implementation of Newsqueak and Newsqueak: A Language for Communicating with Mice. Rob Pike
- 7 February - The reflexive CHAM and the join-calculus. Cedric Fournet and Georges Gonthier
- 24 January - Existential Types for Imperative Languages. Dan Grossman