i like to make computer generated visual effects. this includes still
images, animation, realtime screen hacks, eye candy, visual muzak,
digital video feedback, mathematical visualization, algorithmic
collage, etc. In general i work by writing programs and creating
their datafiles; the final pixels are always produced automatically.
Still jpeg images, mpeg animation, and source code are all available
on the web at my online gallery http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~spot/images.html
. If you haven't seen the
pictures yet, don't bother reading this.
These sections describe the programs i've written and how they work:
John Whitney Digital Harmony: On the Complementarity of Music and Visual Art ISBN 0-07-070015-X
dave tristram's electro-paint.
After Dark and various screen saver archives.
Karl Sims, also his SIGGRAPH91 paper Artificial Evolution for Computer Graphics.
Evolutionary Art and Computers; Todd, Steven and William Latham; Academic Press, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers; 1992; ISBN 0-12-437185-X