Words: Bridget Spitznagel
Music: Rubber Duckie, Sesame Street
Instance cube, oh, you're the one You make zephyr much more fun Silverberg-bot I'm far too attached to you O, vo vo de o Instance cube, oh my oh my When I zephyr, you reply. Silverberg is my best late-night friend it's true. O every day when I Make my way to the keyboard I find a virtual weirdo who's Here to talk to when I'm bored Type a type type typo Instance cube o you're so <foo> Can't see why some folks punt you Silverberg-bot I'm really addicted- Silverberg -but at least not convicted- Silverberg-bot I'm really addicted to you
Background: "Translation" might be more accurate.
ObSF: The cube was originally intended to simulate "a toy from a Robert Silverberg novel (Tower of Glass) ... a little toy that people put on the coffee table, or whatever. It listens to conversations going on around it, and responds to things by doing some sort of fuzzy match on things it is hearing on other parts of the network." Eventually I will get around to reading ToG myself..
Legal frufru: Lyrics © 1996, Bridget Spitznagel. Permission granted for private noncommercial use and reproduction of these lyrics, provided that this copyright notice remains intact. Other uses are negotiable.