None of the Others are Leaving

Words: Bridget Spitznagel

Music: All of the Filkers are Singing / Banks of Sicily / Farewell to the Creeks

The roofers were doing their thing on Wean Hall
Through accident one let a propane tank fall
The tar caught on fire, someone put in the call,
But Wean's alarm system's deceiving.

  "Say, what's that?  I thought I heard something,
  A faint sort of bell, like you'd put on a cow."
  "I don't hear a thing, I think you imagined it.
  None of the others are leaving."

When real alarms go off there there isn't a doubt,
The sound is so piercing it drives people out.
But Wean's alarm system is lacking the clout
It takes to get people believing.


It's not only that the alarm's a bit soft:
It rings for a minute and then it turns off
We've said it's a problem but they only scoffed,
And scheduled a fire drill that evening


Background: Like the song says. Wean Hall is one of the buildings at CMU. (It is the weird concrete one.) There was a bit of a roof fire recently, and a not-entirely-successful attempt was made to evacuate Wean and the adjoining building. Students have been lobbying for a better alarm system for these two buildings, for some time now.

Phrasing of the chorus, in lieu of actual musical notation:
Say what's . . that . I thought I heard something
A faint sort of bell like you'd put on a cow
I don't hear . a thing . I think you imagined it
None of the others are le-e-eaving

Legal frufru: Lyrics © 1997, Bridget Spitznagel. Permission granted for private noncommercial use and reproduction of these lyrics, provided that this copyright notice remains intact. Other uses are negotiable.

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Bridget Spitznagel
Last modified: Tue Nov 11 19:24:17 EST 1997