This page is here to fill your need for translations of this vital phrase. I had such a need not five minutes ago[1] and couldn't find what I wanted with Alta Vista. [2] (Not that I can find it here either.) Accuracy is not guaranteed. Further translations accepted at <>. No purchase required. Offer void where prohibited.
Some alleged translations:
English: My hovercraft is full of eels
Esperanto: Mia kusenveturilo estas plena da angiloj.
German: Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale.
Irish: Ta mo h-aerbad lan de eascannai.
Hebrew (sounds like): Ha ra'hefet sh'eli mele'ah be tzlofahim.
Slovene: Moj lebdeca ladja je poln jegulj.
Croatian: Moja je lebdjelica puna jegulja.
Swedish: Min svävare är full med ålar.
Finnish: Ilmatyynyalukseni on täynnä ankeriaita.
French: Mon aéroglisseur est rempli d'anguilles.
Polish: Moj poduszkowiec jest pelen wegorzy.
Japanese: watashi no hobaakurafuto wa unagi de ippai desu
Dutch: Mijn luchtkussenvoertuig zit vol paling
Danish: Min flyvebåd er fyldt med ål.
Italian: Il mio hovercraft è pieno di anguille
Romanian: Vehiculul meu pe perna de aer este plin de tipari.
Afrikaans: My skeertuig is vol palings.
Estonian: Mu hõljuk on angerjaid täis.
This page bows in homage to the I am cheese page, winks at the I am not a movie theater page, and notes in passing a countably infinite number of webbed Hungarian Phrasebook sketches.
I can't eat glass.. perhaps the eels can.
[1] In, let's see, 1996. Maybe I should revise that sentence.
[2] If there had been a google this might have been another matter. Or not.