Am a PhD student in Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University working with Prof. Alan Black. I actually consider myself the CTO of Alan Black Research Lab. I will design most of the pipeline in our submissions to speech related challenges so you know whom to blame if CMU doesnt do well. Talk to me if you want to be a part or take up a significant portion from me for a particular challenge.
Most of my thought process right now is occupied with excitement for PhD at CMU. I am fortunate to have fellowship by Facebook for same.
My hyperparameters:
Email Id:
CV: Sai Krishna (Updated Feb 2021)
Statement of Purpose (2018): PhD, CMU (Thanks Shrimai, Sunaina, Pallavi, Sumit, Khyathi and a thousand others!! who helped turn my rubbish into this)
Statement of Purpose (2016): PhD, CMU I got into MLT
Fellowships : Mothersheet. I modified applications for specific fellowship from this. I got Facebook Fellowship 2020
Productivity Reports:
I was also a Masters student at CMU prior to my PhD admission. To me a Masters degree is about synthesis of existing knowledge. Hence I have dealt it as in industry. This means keeping productivity as a first class object
Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Q4 2017
Q1 2018
Posts with suggestions for prospective students :
Optimizing returns from coursework in LTI
Video Reviews of workflow :
[July 2019]
[August 2019]
[September 2019]
[October 2019]
PhD Preproposal Document(August 2019) : On Controlled De Entanglement for NLP
In my free time I develop Judith. Checkout the samples! Ask me for access!!