Date | Question | Answer |
11/21 | How does XXXX affect the receiver window? | There is NO RECEIVER WINDOW in this assignment. This is a deviation from TCP, but exists to make your life easier. This means that no window information needs to be included in the packet header. Also, on the receiving end of the connection, you do not need to worry that we will test that you correctly drop packets that are ``outside the receiver window''. No such window exists, so it will not be tested. The receiver does not need to guess the window of the sender or anything complicated like that. The receiver can chose to keep or drop any packets received that have sequence numbers greater than the next expected sequence number. |
11/18 | How many times should i retransmit a packet before giving up? | We would suggest at least 5 times, so you code can handle reasonable loss rates. Our reference peer will retransmitt up to 10 times. |
11/17 | How long do I have to wait between connections to a particular peer? Particularly, what about the case when I think I have downloaded a complete chunk from a peer, but the ack was lost, and I send a new GET. The other peer will be confused because it thinks the old download is still running, and it is illegal to have two downloads at the same time from a single host. | When you receive the new GET, just forget about the old connection and no longer worry about retransmitting any of the old data (ie: it is the sender's responsible not to send a second GET until they have successfully downloaded all of the data). |
11/15 | Are we required to do RTT estimation for any of the checkpoints? | No. You may use a static timeout value for any of the checkpoints, as long as it is under 3 seconds. Obviously, you final submission WILL require RTT estimation. |
11/16 | What are the units of the parameters in the file for spiffy? |
bw = the capacity of the link in bits/sec delay = the one-way propagation delay of the link in milliseconds queue-size = how big the queue on the router at the start of the link is in packets |
11/15 | Are we required to do RTT estimation for any of the checkpoints? | No. You may use a static timeout value for any of the checkpoints, as long as it is under 3 seconds. Obviously, you final submission WILL require RTT estimation. |
11/12 | Can I assume that all data packets will be a certain length? Or that all packets accept for the last one are a certain length? | No. You must be able to handle any data packets with any amount of data up to the amount that can fit in a 1500 byte packet. Don't calculate the number of data packets you will receive from a peer, because the peer may need to send different amounts of data in different packets. |
11/11 | What number do I include an in ACK packet? Is it the sequence number i just got, or the next one I'm expected? | This is a bit confusing, and I messed things up in recitation. While TCP sends the next number in the sequence space it is expecting, the assignment write-up indicates that you should send back the sequence number of the packet you just received. That is, if you get Data Seqnum=100, send Ack Acknum=100. For CHECKPOINT2 ONLY, either behavior will be acceptable. |
11/9 | What amount of interoperability is required for my peers? Is it ok if I fail to perform requirement X with peers other than the one I submit? What about for the contest? | Your peer must be able to perform all required functionality (as specified in the hand-out) with any other client that performs the protocol as specified in the handout. This is necessary for us to test your binary. The only time you can assume that you are communicating with other peers running your exact same binary is for any extra credit functionality, or the contest. For example, if you have implemented DENIED, you know that all other peers in our contest tests will also used DENIED messages. |
11/9 | Why am I getting back from spiffy as the source address of packets when all of my peers say as their IP? |
This is because the starter code initializes spiffy with INADDR_ANY (, which is another name for 'any local address', instead of specifying specifically. here's a simple change you can make to your code in peer.c : comment out this line: myaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; and add this line: inet_aton("", (struct in_addr *)&myaddr.sin_addr.s_addr); If this causes problems, make sure you are including the correct header files to use inet_aton. |
10/31 | Do we have to implement caching? This is, if a peer does not ``own'' a chunk according to its has-chunks-file, but has already downloaded from another peer, is it REQUIRED to respond to a WHOHAS request for that chunk? | No. Caching falls under the optimizations in section 6.3 . Doing so is highly suggested for the contest and as an extra credit measure, but it is not strictly required. |
10/30 | my calls to binary2hex and hex2binary (aka hex2ascii and ascii2hex) are crashing! | Make sure you are passing the buffers in the correct order (see chunks.c), as both buffers are typed as char *. Also, the length that is past in is the length of the INPUT, not the output. For ascii2hex, the input is 40 bytes, for hex2ascii the input is 20 bytes. |
10/28 | "peer_run could not bind socket: Address already in use", and similar errors | If you are developing on a machine that is likely to be shared with other 15-441 students, remember to change
the your port values to something other than what is given in the handout. This
goes for both the port set in your SPIFFY_ROUTER env variable, as well as
those specified in . The same caution should be noted for other "shared resources", such as the /tmp directory that is used in the handouts. |
10/28 | SPIFFY_ROUTER not set? | Please read Section 7 of the handout carefully and walk through the demo if you are having "Spiffy"-related problems. Your starter code already includes socket calls that use the "Spiffy" virtual network. To run, the code attempts to read an environment variable called "SPIFFY_ROUTER" that gives an IP address and port to communicate with the spiffy virtual network. Depending on your shell, you can use "setenv" (c-shell) or "export" (bash shell) to set the env. variable. |
10/28 | bt_parse error: Node identity must not be zero! | The parse included with the peer code does not want you to have a node id of zero, which was specified as acceptable in the hand-out. Just use node ids of 1 and 2 instead. We have updated the example in the handout for this (note: the file we included with the code was already correct). |