[A.1] Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function, JSAC, Mar 2000
[A.2] Adaptive Frame length control for Improving Wireless Link Throughput, Range, and energy efficiency, Paul Lettieri and Mani Srivastava, IEEE Infocom 1998.
[A.3] "Automatic IEEE 802.11 Rate Control for Streaming Applications" , I. Haratcherev, J. Taal, K. Langendoen, R. Lagendijk and H. Sips, accepted for publication in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley Interscience), special issue on "Radio Link and Transport Protocol Engineering for Future-Generation Wireless Mobile Data Networks", 2005
[B.1] Self-Tuning Wireless Network Power Management , Manish Anand, Edmund B. Nightingale, and Jason Flinn, MobiCom 2003.
[B.2] Architecture
and Techniques for Diagnosing Faults in IEEE 802.11 infrastructure Networks.
Atul Adya, Paramvir Bahl, Ranveer Chandra, Lili Qiu. MobiCom, ACM,
[B.3] Aditya Akella, Glenn Judd, Srinivasan Seshan, and Peter Steenkiste. Self-Management in Chaotic Wireless Deployments Proc. of ACM Mobicom 2005. Aug. - Sept. 2005.
[B.4] Rajiv Chakravorty, Sulabh Agarwal, Suman Banerjee, Ian Pratt, "MoB: A Mobile Bazaar for Wide-area Wireless Services", ACM Mobicom 2005.
[C.1] WiMAX and IEEE802.16a - Igniting BWA, White paper from WIMAX forum
[C.2] Ultra-Wideband Technology for Short- and Medium-range Wireless Communication, Foerster, Green, Somayazulu, Leeper, Intel Technology Journal, Q2 2001.
[C.3] "The Bluetooth radio system," J. C. Haartsen, IEEE Pers. Commun. Mag., pp. 28--36, Feb. 2000.
[C.4] Understanding Wi-Fi and WiMAX as Metro-Access Solutions, Intel.
[D.1] Virtual Radios, Vanu Bose, Mike Ismert, Matt Welborn, and John Guttag, IEEE JSAC, Q4 1998.
A. Shah, J. Nimmer, D. Franklin, "A
Prototype All-Software Public Safety Interoperability System", 2004
Software Defined Radio Technical Conference,
[D.3] Prototyping advanced 3G/4G wireless and SDR systems on the DSP/FPGA signalmaster platform using a system-level approach, Belanger.
[D.4] Software-Defined Radios Make Their Move, Tim Owen, Wireless System Design, March 2003.
[D.5] A White Paper On: Software Defined Radio (SDR): North American and European Market Demand Analysis, Chad Hart, Venture Development Corporation.
[D.6] SoftMAC---Flexible Wireless Research Platform. Michael Neufeld, Jeff Fifield, Christian Doerr, Anmol Sheth, and Dirk Grunwald. HotNets IV, Nov 2005.
[D.7] Ananth Rao and Ion Stoica. An Overlay MAC Layer for 802.11 Networks. In Proc. of ACM MobiSys 2005, June 2005.
[D.8] GNU Software Radio. http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuradio/
[E.1] Phil Karn, "MACA - A New Channel Access Method for Packet Radio", 1990.
[E.2] V. Bharghavan, A. Demers, S. Shenker , and L. Zhang. MACAW: A Media Access Protocol for Wireless LANs , In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM , London, U.K., September 1994, pp. 212-225.
[E.3] B. Sadeghi, V. Kanodia, A. Sabharwal, and E. Knightly, Opportunistic Media Access for Multirate Ad Hoc Networks, in Proceedings of ACM MOBICOM 2002.
[E.4] Eun-Sun Jung and Nitin Vaidya, A Power Control MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks, ACM Mobicom 2002.
[E.5] Martin Heusse, Franck Rousseau, Romaric Guillier, and Andrzej Duda. Idle Sense: An Optimal Access Method for High Throughput and Fairness in Rate Diverse Wireless LANs In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM, Aug. 2005
[E.6] A. Vasan, R. Ramjee, and T. Woo. Echos - Enhanced Capacity 802.11 Hotspots In Proc. of IEEE Infocom'05, Mar 2005
[E.7] F. Talucci, M. Gerla, and L. Fratta. MACA-BI (MACA by invitation) a receiver oriented access protocol for wireless multihop networks. In Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC, 1997.630970
[E.8] Kyle Jamieson, Bret Hull, Allen K. Miu, Hari Balakrishnan. Understanding the Real-World Performance of Carrier Sense. ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Experimental Approaches to Wireless Network Design and Analysis (E-WIND)
[E.9] W. Ye, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin. An energy-efficient mac protocol for wireless sensor networks. INFOCOM 2002, June 2002. 1019408
[E.10] Chun-cheng Chen and Haiyun Luo. The Case for Heterogeneous Wireless MACs. HotNets IV, Nov 2005.
[F.1] R. Choudhury, X Yang, R. Ramanathan, and N. Vaidya, "Using Directional Antennas for Medium Access Control in Ad Hoc Networks", ACM Mobicom 2002.
[F.2] T. Korakis, G. Jakllari, L. Tassiulas, A MAC protocol for full exploitation of directional antennas in Ad-Hoc wireless networks", ACM Mobihoc'03.
[F.3] "Ad Hoc Networking with Directional Antennas: A Complete System Solution," Ramanathan, Redi, Santivanez, Wiggins and Polit, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: Special Issue on Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, March 2005.
[F.4] "Deafness and Virtual Carrier Sensing with Directional Antennas in 802.11 Networks", M. Nuefeld and D. Grunwald, technical report CU-CS-971-04, May 2004.
[F.5] Bhaskaran Raman and Kameswari Chebrolu. Design and Evaluation of a new MAC Protocol for Long-Distance 802.11 Mesh Networks. In Proc. of ACM MobiCom 2005, Aug. - Sept. 2005
[G.1] On the accuracy of manet simulators. David Cavin, Yoav Sasson, and André Schiper, Workshop on Principles of Mobile Computing (POMC'02), pages 38-43. ACM, October 2002.
evaluation of wireless simulation assumptions. David Kotz and Calvin Newport and Robert
S. Gray and Jason Liu and Yougu Yuan and Chip Elliott. Technical Report
TR2004-507, Dept. of Computer Science,
[G.3] WhyNet description (focus on hybrid testbed methodology), available at http://chenyen.cs.ucla.edu/projects/whynet/
[G.4] Using Emulation to Understand and Improve Wireless Networks and Applications, Glenn Judd and Peter Steenkiste, Proceedings of NSDI 2005
[H.1] "A Large-scale Testbed for Reproducible Ad hoc Protocol Evaluations", H. Lundgren, D. Lundberg, J. Nielsen, E. Nordström, C. Tschudin, WCNC 2002.
[H.2] Lowering the Barrier to Wireless and Mobile Experimentation, Brian White, Jay Lepreau, Shashi Guruprasad, ACM HotNets-I, October 2002.
[H.3] "Overview of the ORBIT Radio Grid Testbed for Evaluation of Next-Generation Wireless Network Protocols," D. Raychaudhuri, I. Seskar, M. Ott, S. Ganu, K. Ramachandran, H. Kremo, R. Siracusa, H. Liu and M. Singh, To appear at the Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'05) March 2005.
[H.4] Design Considerations for a Multi-hop Wireless Network Testbed, Pradipta De, Ashish Raniwala, Srikant Sharma, and Tzi-cker Chiueh
[H.5] "Wireless Link SNR Mapping Onto an Indoor Testbed," J. Lei, R. Yates, L. Greenstein and H. Liu, Submitted to IEEE Tridentcom 2005
[I.1] GPSR: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks, Karp, B., and Kung. H. T., Proc. 6th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2000), 243-254.
[I.2] DSR: The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. David B. Johnson, David A. Maltz, and Josh Broch. in Ad Hoc Networking, edited by Charles E. Perkins, Chapter 5, pp. 139-172, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
[I.3] Routing Techniques for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks-Classification and Comparison , X. Zou, B. Ramamurthy, S. Magliveras, Proceedings of the Sixth World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics--SCI, July 2002.
[I.4] Charles E. Perkins and Elizabeth M. Royer. Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing. Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, New Orleans, LA, February 1999, pp. 90-100.
[I.5] Global State Routing: A New Routing Scheme for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks , Tsu-Wei Chen and Mario Gerla , In Proceedings of IEEE ICC '98
[I.6] Charles E. Perkins and Pravin Bhagwat, "Highly Dynamic Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV) for Mobile Computers." Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communications (SIGCOMM '94), August 1994, London, United Kingdom. Pages 234-244.
[I.7] Jinyang Li, John Jannotti, Douglas S. J. De Couto, David R. Karger, and Robert Morris, "A Scalable Location Service for Geographic Ad Hoc Routing." Proceedings of the sixth ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom '00), July 2000, Boston, Massachusetts. Pages 120-130.
[I.8] Josh Broch, David A. Maltz, David B. Johnson, Yih-Chun Hu, and Jorjeta Jetcheva, "A Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols." Proceedings of the fourth ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom '98), July 1998, Dallas, Texas. Pages 85-97.
[I.9] C. Intanagonwiwat, R. Govindan and D. Estrin, Directed diffusion: A scalable and robust communication paradigm for sensor networks , Proc. ACM Mobicom, Boston, MA, August 2000. (.ps)
[I.10] R. Draves, J. Padhye, B. Zill, "Routing in Multi-Radio, Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks," ACM Mobicom 2004, (.pdf)
[I.11] Ananth Rao, Sylvia Ratnasamy, Christos Papadimitriou, Scott Shenker, and Ion Stoica. Geographic Routing without Location Information. In Proc. of ACM Mobicom 2003, Sept. 2003.
[I.12] Young-Bae Ko and Nitin H. Vaidya, "Location-Aided Routing(LAR) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" In Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM'98), October, 1998.
[J.1] Outdoor Experimental Comparison of Four Ad Hoc Routing Algorithms. Robert S. Gray and David Kotz and Calvin Newport and Nikita Dubrovsky and Aaron Fiske and Jason Liu and Christopher Masone and Susan McGrath and Yougu Yuan. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), pages 220-229, October, 2004.
Link-level Measurements from an 802.11b Mesh Network,
D. Aguayo, J. Bicket, S. Biswas, G. Judd, R. Morris, Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference
on Network Architectures and Protocols,
[J.3] "Lessons from a Full-Scale Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Network Testbed." David A. Maltz, Josh Broch, and David B. Johnson, IEEE Personal Communications, 8 (February 2001): 8-15.
[J.4] Implementation experience with MANET routing protocols, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Volume 32 , Issue 5 (November 2002)
[K.1] P. Gupta and P. R. Kumar, " The capacity of wireless networks,'' IEEE Transactions on Information Theory , vol. IT-46, no. 2, pp. 388-404, March 2000
[K.2] Capacity of power constrained ad-hoc networks
Arjunan Rajeswaran, Rohit Negi, IEEE Infocom 2004,
[K.3] Jinyang Li, Charles Blake, Douglas S. J. De Couto, Hu Imm Lee, and Robert Morris, Capacity of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom '01), Rome, Italy, July 2001, pages 61-69
[K.4] Kamal Jain, Jitendra Padhye, Venkata N. Padmanabhan, and Lili Qiu. Impact of Interference on Multi-hop Wireless Network Performance. In Proc. of ACM MOBICOM, San Diego, CA, September 2003
[K.5] Matthias Grossglauser and David Tse. Mobility Increases the Capacity of Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 10, No. 4, Aug. 2002
[K.6] Pradeep Kyasanur and Nitin Vaidya. Capacity of Multi-Channel Wireless Networks: Impact of Number of Channels and Interfaces In Proc. of ACM MobiCom 2005, Aug. - Sept. 2005
[K.7] Abbas El Gamal, James Mammen, Balaji Prabhakar, and Devavrat Shah. Throughput-Delay Trade-off in Wireless Networks. Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, March 2004.
Improving protocol capacity with model-based frame scheduling in IEEE
802.11-operated WLANs, Proceedings of
the 9th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking,
[M.2] Yigal Bejerano Seung-Jae Han and Li (Erran) Li, Fairness and Load Balancing in Wireless LANs Using Association Control, Proc. International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), Philadelphia, PA, September 2004.
[M.3] Exploiting Medium Access
Diversity in Rate Adaptive Wireless LANs Z. Ji, Y. Yang, J.
Zhou, M. Takai and R. Bagrodia. To appear in Proceedings of ACM MOBICOM 2004,
[M.4] Martin Heusse, Franck Rousseau, Gilles Berger-Sabbatel, and Andrzej Duda. Performance Anomaly of 802.11b. In Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, March 2003
[M.5] Victor Bahl, Ranveer Chandra, and John Dunagan. SSCH: Slotted Seeded Channel Hopping for Capacity Improvement in IEEE 802.11 Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks. Proc. of ACM Mobicom 2004, Sept.-Oct. 2004.
[M.6] Ashish Raniwala and Tzi-Chiueh. Architecture and Algorithms for an IEEE 802.11-based Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Network In Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, March 2005.
[M.7] Coordinated Load Balancing, Handoff/Cell-site Selection, and Scheduling in Multi-cell Packet Data Systems, Aimin Sang, Xiaodong Wang, Mohammad Madihian, Richard Gitlin, ACM Mobicom 2004.
[L.1] A. Adya, P. Bahl, J. Padhye, A. Wolman, and L. Zhou, A Multi-Radio Unification Protocol for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks, IEEE Conference on Broadband Networks (BroadNets), Oct. 2004.
[L.2] Allen Miu, Hari Balakrishnan, and Can Emre Koksal. Improving Loss Resilience with Multi-Radio Diversity in Wireless Networks. In Proc. of MobiCom 2005, Aug. - Sept., 2005.
[N.1] UCAN: A Unified Cellular and Ad-Hoc Network Architecture, Haiyun Luo, Ramachandran Ramjee, Prasun Sinha, Li Li, Songwu Lu, ACM MOBICOM 2003, San Diego, California
[N.2] The Pulse Protocol: Energy Efficient Infrastructure Access, Awerbuch, Holmer, Rubens, The 23rd Conference of the IEEE Communications Society (IEEE Infocom 2004)
[N.3] The Case for a Multi-hop Wireless Local Area Network," Seungjoon Lee, Suman Banerjee, Bobby Bhattacharjee, Infocom 2004, March 2004, Hong Kong, China.
[O.1] Vikas Kawadia and P. R. Kumar, ``A Cautionary Perspective on Cross Layer Design.'' To appear in IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine.
[O.2] Principles and Protocols for Power Control in Ad Hoc Networks, V. Kawadia and P. R. Kumar, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
[O.3] Ning Li and Jennifer C. Hou, Topology control in heterogeneous wireless networks: problems and solutions, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2004, March, 2004.
[O.4] Roger Wattenhofer, Li Erran Li, Victor Bahl and Yi-Min Wang, Distributed Topology Control for Power Efficient Operation in Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, pages 1388-1397, April 2001
[P.1] Comparison of Routing Metrics for Static Multi-Hop Wireless Networks, R. Draves, J. Padhye, and B. Zill, ACM SIGCOMM, Portland, OR, August 2004.
[P.2] A. Santhanam and R. Cruz, Optimal Routing, Link Scheduling and Power Control in Multi-hop Wireless Networks, IEEE Infocom 2003
[P.3] A Rate-Adaptive MAC Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks, G. Holland, N. Vaidya, and P. Bahl, ACM MobiCom 2001, Rome, Italy, July 2001.
[P.4] Douglas S. J. De Couto, Daniel Aguayo, John Bicket, Robert Morris. A High-Throughput Path Metric for Multi-Hop Wireless Routing. Proc. of ACM Mobicom 2003.
[P.5] Sanjit Biswas, and Robert Morris. ExOR: Opportunistic Multi-Hop Routing for Wireless Networks In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM, August 2005.
[Q.1] Charles E. Perkins, "Mobile Networking through Mobile IP." IEEE Internet Computing, January 1998. Pages 58-69.
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[Q.7] Arunesh Mishra, Min-ho Shin, William Arbaugh, "Context Caching using Neighbor Graphs for Fast Handoffs in a Wireless Network", IEEE Infocom 2004.
[Q.8] Minho Shin, Arunesh Mishra, and William A. Arbaugh. Improving the Latency of 802.11 hand-offs using Neighbor Graphs In Proc. of ACM MobiSys 2004, June 2004.
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[S.1] W. A. Arbaugh, N. Shankar, J. Wang, and K. Zhang, ``Your 802.11 network has no clothes,'' To appear IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, December 2002.
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[S.4] Y Hu, A. Perrig, and D. Johnson, “Ariadne: A Secure On-Demand Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks”, Mobicom’02.
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[S.9] Maxim Raya, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, and Imad Aad. Domino: A System to Detect Greedy Behavior in IEEE 802.11 Hotspots. Proc. of ACM MobiSys 2004.
[S.10] Pradeep Kyasanur and Nitin Vaidya. Selfish MAC Layer Misbehavior in Wireless Networks IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, April 2004.
[S.11] Imad Aad, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Edward W. Knightly. Denial of Service Resilience in Ad Hoc Networks. In Proc. of ACM MobiCom 2004, Sept. 2004.
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[V.3] S. Jain, K. Fall, R. Patra. Routing in a Delay Tolerant Network. SIGCOMM, Aug/Sep 2004.
[W.1] Mark Weiser, Brent B. Welch, Alan J. Demers and Scott Shenker, "Scheduling for Reduced CPU Energy." Proceedings of the first USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '94), November 14-17, 1994, Monterey, California.
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[Y.1] RADAR: An In-Building RF-Based User Location and Tracking System, P. Bahl and V. N. Padmanabhan.
[Y.2] The Cricket Location-Support System, Nissanka B. Priyantha, Anit Chakraborty, and Hari Balakrishnan, MobiCom'00.
Accuracy Characterization for Metropolitan-scale Wi-Fi Localization.
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Public Policy
[Z.1] Spectrum Management Policy Options, Jon Peha, IEEE Communications Surveys • http://www.comsoc.org/pubs/surveys • Fourth Quarter 1998 • Vol. 1 No. 1
[Z.2] Approaches to Spectrum Sharing, Jon M. Peha
[Z.3] Dynamic Spectrum Policies: Promises and Challenges. Paul J Kolodzy
[AA.1] 802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition --- Chapter 15 A Peek Ahead at 802.11n: MIMO-OFDM. Matthew Gast.
[AA.2] From Theory to Practice: An Overview of MIMO Space–Time Coded Wireless Systems. David Gesbert, Mansoor Shafi, Da-shan Shiu, Peter J. Smith, Member, and Ayman Naguib. IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 21, NO. 3, APRIL 2003.
[AA.3] V-BLAST: An Architecture for Realizing Very High Data Rates Over the Rich-Scattering Wireless Channel. P. W. Wolniansky, G. J. Foschini, G. D. Golden, R. A. Valenzuela, invited paper, Proc. ISSSE-98, Pisa, Italy, Sept. 29, 1998.