URL: https://doi.org/10.1109/98.490749
Bibtex Entry:
@ARTICLE{1996-Narayanaswamy-pcs, author = “Narayanaswamy, Shankar and Seshan, Srinivasan and Amir, Elan and Brewer, Eric and Brodersen, Robert W. and Burghardt, Frederick and Burstein, Andrew and Chang, Yuan-Chi and Fox, Armando and Gilbert, Jeffrey M. and Han, Richard and Katz, Randy H. and Long, Allan C. and Messerschmitt, David G. and Rabaey, Jan M.”, journal = “IEEE Personal Communications Magazine”, title = “A low-power, lightweight unit to provide ubiquitous information access application and network support for InfoPad”, year = “1996”, volume = “3”, number = “2”, pages = “4-17”, url = “https://doi.org/10.1109/98.490749”, category = “[Mobile]”, doi = “10.1109/98.490749”, month = “April” }