URL: https://doi.org/10.1145/566500.566501
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{2002-Bharambe-netgames, author = “Bharambe, Ashwin and Rao, Sanjay and Seshan, Srinivasan”, title = “Mercury: A Scalable Publish-Subscribe System for Internet Games”, year = “2002”, isbn = “1581134932”, publisher = “Association for Computing Machinery”, address = “New York, NY, USA”, url = “https://doi.org/10.1145/566500.566501”, doi = “10.1145/566500.566501”, abstract = “Today’s network games suffer from scalability and performance limitations caused by centralized client-server architectures and/or broadcast communication. In this paper, we argue that the communication between components of a game can be modeled as a publish-subscribe system. We present the design of MERCURY, a completely distributed publish-subscribe system, which supports a content-based publish-subscribe model of communication and performs distributed matching using a novel content-based routing protocol. We also present preliminary simulation results identifying key design decisions affecting the scalability and network efficiency of the system.”, booktitle = “Workshop on Network and System Support for Games”, pages = “3–9”, numpages = “7”, location = “Braunschweig, Germany”, month = “April”, category = “[Overlay, P2P, Games]”, series = “NetGames ‘02” }