Sundar's Past Projects

Force Feedback in Interactive Dynamic Simulation
Using a force feedback Haptic Interface, such as the Phantom made by Sensable Technologies, the project involved building a system that enabled a user to touch, push, and pull virtual objects interacting with each other in a physical way, and actually feeling these forces back! Here is an mpeg movie(courtesy UNC Chapel Hill) of what interacting with the Phantom was like. This work was performed while at CMU during 1995-96, and as an intern during Summer '96 at Interval Research Corporation in Palo Alto, California. For details, see Vedula, S. and Baraff, D., "Physically Realistic Haptic Interaction with Dynamic Virtual Worlds". In Proceedings of the SPIE, Conference on Telemanipulator and Telepresence technology, Pittsburgh, PA. September 1997. Click here for a copy of the paper, and here for a copy of the talk presented.

Rapid Prototyping

I worked for a few months on the Rapid Design through Virtual and Physical Prototyping project. The home page for the project is here. I was involved in adapting simulation capabilities of a physically based modeling system to a design/manufacturing system, including building a user interface. Ultimately, simple mechanical assemblies could be designed, their working simulated, and with minimal human intervention, the parts actually manufactured at one of the stations at CMU, Berkeley, or Stanford.

Rover Design
For a few weeks, I worked on using available simulation tools to test two possible schemes for the mechanical design of a wheeled locomotion robot on a rough terrain with an attached pointing device, of the lunar rover project at the Field Robotics Center. This was work with Deepak Bapna. A Pointing mechanism based on the second design was ultimately used in the Atacama Desert Trek, in Chile in 1997. The two designs that were proposed and tested were :

The Invasion of CMU!
Class project in Animation for Computer Graphics. Short movie, showing the bombing of Hammerschlag Hall on the CMU campus by a UFO. Done in OpenGL with simple primitives. [2.62 M gzipped quicktime].

Artificial Intelligence to parallel park your car?
In an implementation of Jean-Claude Latombe's motion planning algorithm, we designed optimal ways to parallel park a car, given its shape, initial and desired positions, and a map of obstacle geometries. The algorithm was used to generate an optimal sequence of moves such as the following. Note: this has nothing to do with the REAL autonomous driving project, The Navlab.

Adaptive remeshing for Finite Element Analysis
Undergraduate thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, June 1994. Not online.

Sundar Vedula
October 6, 1998