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Namaskara! I'm a Post Doc Researcher at Microsoft Research India in Bangalore, India, where I work on Speech Processing for Multilingual Communities. Currently, the focus of my work is on building Deep-learning based Acoustic and Language Models that can handle code-switching without needing a large amount of code-switched training data. At MSRI, I am part of Project Melange in which we look at various aspects of code-switching and mixing, including how and why multilinguals code-switch. We recently organized a Special Session at Interspeech 2017 on Speech Technologies for Code-switching. I also maintain the Project Melange blog, Poco Mix Maadi, where our group and others regularly post articles related to multilingualism and code-mixing.
Previously, I was a PhD student in the Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. I worked on Text-to-Speech systems with my advisor Alan W Black, and my thesis was on pronunciation modeling for low-resource languages.
I am currently on the job market and am looking for positions in Bangalore starting January 2018. If you know of an interesting opening in Speech, NLP or Machine Learning, please get in touch!