Current Address:
407 S.Aiken Ave, Apt. 4, Pittsburgh PA 15232 phone: 412 683 0515 |
Permanent Address:
"Nirmala", Cullen Road, Alleppey, Kerala India 688012 |
Aim: To obtain an internship position related to the area of high performance computer design/simulation and compiler design.
Research Interest: Computer
Architecture, Nanotechnolgy, Reconfigurable Computing, Compilers.
I am currently working on developing
a simulation model for a
hybrid CPU+reconfigurable unit device
as well as supporting
compiler infrastructure to partition
programs into code +
configurations for execution on
the hybrid device.
Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh PA
MS in Electrical & Computer Engineering |
August 2000 - |
College of Engg, Anna University,
Madras, India
B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering |
1995-1999 |
Work Experience:
CMU Phoenix Reconfigurable Nanotechnolgy Group Advisor: Seth Copen Goldstein |
8/2001- |
Research Assistant, CMU Reconfigurable Computing Project Advisor: Seth Copen Goldstein |
8/2000- |
Member, Processor Verification & Test Tool Development Group, IBM GHz processor team, RS/6000 Division, IBM Austin, Austin TX |
3/2000-7/2000 |
Member, Hardware Design Services, IBM Global Services India, Bangalore India |
8/1999-2/2000 |
Research Scholar, Computer Architecture Lab, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Advisor: Sriram Vajapeyam |
5/1998-7/1998 |
1. Suraj Sudhir, Suman Kumar Nath
and Seth Goldstein, "Configurations Caching and Swapping", Proceedings
of the 11th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications
(FPL 2001), Belfast, Northern Ireland.
2. Suraj Sudhir, Suman Kumar Nath
and Seth Goldstein, "Configuration Caching and Swapping",
CMU CS Technical Report, 2001.
Relevant Courses
VLSI CAD: Logic to Layout, Advanced
Computer Architecture,
Optimizing Compilers for Modern
Architectures, Storage Systems,
Superscalar Processor Architecture,
Energy-Aware Computing,
Electronic Nanotechnology
Computer Architecture, Microprocessor-based
System Design,
Operating Systems, Compiler Design,
Digital Signal Processing,
High Speed Networks, Analog &
Digital Communication, Parallel
Processing, Distributed Computing.
Experience with C, C++, Java, UNIX
Shell, Perl, VHDL
Govt. of India Merit Scholarship for outstanding academic performance | July 1995 |
CMU ECE Graduate Research Assistantship | 2000-2002 |
Visa Status
F-1 (Nationality : Indian)