Jonathan Aldrich: Dependable Real-Time and Embedded Space Software
CMU is beginning a major new research program to develop new
programming technology breakthroughs that will enable
order-of-magnitude improvements in the quality, development schedule,
and cost of embedded and real-time space software systems at NASA.
Specific objectives include:
- Program analysis technology that provides positive assurance of
non-local correctness properties of Real-Time Java programs,
including the correct use of real-time threads, region-based
memory management, and synchronization.
- Automated, model-checking-based verification of relevant safety
and liveness properties of embedded and real-time software
systems that are written in high-level languages.
- Programming language technologies ensuring important low-level
correctness properties for real-time systems, including tight
bounds on memory and CPU utilization, the lack of memory and
concurrency errors, and design conformance.
- Management-level measures of progress towards assuring the
overall dependability of a software system.
- Application and evaluation of these technologies in a realistic
environment, including NASA rovers and other relevant software
Aldrich is an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University.
He received his B.S. from the California Institute of Technology,
and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Washington. His
Ph.D. thesis explored the integration of architectural
descriptions into an implementation language, and the usage of a
type system to ensure that the architectural structure is
consistent with the code. This approach is embodied in ArchJava,
which is an extension to Java that seamlessly unifies software
architecture with implementation. His dissertation earned him the
William Chan Memorial Dissertation Award at the University of