The startup looks a bit different from the starups that we had so far, because we now have to incorporate the ptrees:
[FeatureSet fs] setDesc @../step5/featDesc fs setAccess @../step2/featAccess [CodebookSet cbs fs] read ../step8/codebookSet [DistribSet dss cbs] read ../step10/distribSet [PhonesSet ps] read ../step2/phonesSet [Tags tags] read ../step2/tags Tree dst ps:phones ps tags dss dst.ptreeSet read ../step10/ptreeSet dst read ../step10/distribTree SenoneSet sns [DistribStream str dss dst] [TmSet tms] read ../step2/transitionModels [TopoSet tps sns tms] read ../step2/topologies [Tree tpt ps:phones ps tags tps] read ../step2/topologyTree [DBase db] open ../step1/db.dat ../step1/db.idx -mode r [Dictionary dict ps:phones tags] read ../step1/convertedDict [FMatrix ldaMatrix] bload ../step5/ldaMatrix AModelSet amo tpt ROOT HMM hmm dict amo Path pathWe now load the last codebook weights. Remember that we don't have any distribution weights yet. We could load the context independent distribution weights and initialize every context dependent distribution with its corresponding context-independent distribution, but experiments have shown that this is not necessary. It is fine to not load any distribution weights and thus start with equally distributed values (i.e. every distribution value will be 1/16). Besides, the only reason why we are training these distributions is to cluster them later into fewer which will have to be trained anew, anyway:
cbs load ../step9/codebookWeights.3 cbs createAccus dss createAccusWe use the same Tcl procedure "forcedAlignment" that we used last time when training along labels and use a "regular" training loop: