Nov-17-2005 Course structure and content discussion
Read Tcl/Tk man pages and play a little .
Write a Tcl program that saves the first 100 prime numbers into a file. Use arrays.
Dec-01-2005 More Tcl and Janus Objects
Exercice: Session1
Homework: Session1 .
Dec-16-2005 Pronunciation dictionary, database, word error rate, more Tcl/Tk
Exercice: Session2
Homework: Session2 .
Dec-22-2005 Signal preprocessing, GMM training, more Tcl/Tk
Exercice: Session3
Homework: Session3 .
Jan-05-2006 Hidden Markov Models, Decision Tree
Exercice: Session4
Homework: Session4 .
Jan-12-2006 (Flat-Start) Training for Context Independent Acoustic Models
Exercice: Session5
Homework: Session5 .
Jan-19-2006 Phonetic Context Dependent Distribution Tree
Exercice: Session6
Homework: Session6 .
Feb-02-2006 LDA, Sample Extraction and K-Means
Exercice: Session7
Homework: Session7 .
Feb-09-2006 Language Modeling
Exercice: Session8
Homework: Session8 .
Feb-16-2006 Decoding with the single pass decoder
Exercice: Session9
Homework: Session9 .
Feb-23-2006 Decoding with adaptation of the acoustic model
Exercice: Session10 .