Homework 9
Out: Feb-20 Due: Feb-26 Sunday night (12:00)

To submit: Send to Stan (scjou@cs.cmu.edu) the NFS path containing your work.

In this homework we are going to practice the decoding process. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Note that in this homework, we redefine the development and test sets. Specifically, each set contains five speakers: dev: CH09[0-4]* , test: CH09[5-9]* . The reference TRNs are data/CH/trn.utf8.set/trn.utf8.dev5 and trn.utf8.test5, respectively.
  2. Follow Exercise-9 to decode the development set using the following setup:
  3. Decode and rescore the test set using lattices (spass.glat). Using the best setup in the previous task, do spass.glat configure -topN 100 -alphaBeam 100 followed by a spass run decoding. Then do spass.glat rescore using the following setup:

Last modified: Fri Feb 17 18:18:38 EST 2006
Maintainer: scjou@cs.cmu.edu.