[FeatureSet fs] setDesc @../step5/featDesc fs setAccess @../step2/featAccess [CodebookSet cbs fs] read ../step14/codebookSetClustered [DistribSet dss cbs] read ../step14/distribSetClusteredPruned [PhonesSet ps] read ../step14/phonesSet [Tags tags] read ../step2/tags [Tree dst ps:phones ps tags dss] read ../step14/distribTreeClusteredPruned SenoneSet sns [DistribStream str dss dst] [TmSet tms] read ../step2/transitionModels [TopoSet tps sns tms] read ../step2/topologies [Tree tpt ps:phones ps tags tps] read ../step2/topologyTree [Dictionary dict ps:phones tags] read ../step1/convertedDict [DBase db] open ../step1/db.dat ../step1/db.idx -mode r [FMatrix ldaMatrix] bload ../step15/ldaMatrix AModelSet amo tpt ROOT HMM hmm dict amo Path path dst configure -padPhone [ps:phones index pad]Considering that we can expect very many files that will hold the exracted sample vectors we should this time pack them in an extra directory:
catch { mkdir data } catch { rm data/* }The rm command removed the remains of an experiment that might have been run in the same directory earlier. The catch around the commands keeps Tcl from stopping if the data directory already exists of if there are noe data/* files.
The definition of the sample set object is basically the same, only this time we should remember to use the new LDA-model-counts file, and we should use a smaller maximum number of sample vectors because we have many more classes this time. In the main loop we have to change the names of the files from which we will be loading the source matrices for the k-means, and we should check for the existence of these files before trying to load them, because our loop is looping over all codebooks of the codebook set, and not all codebooks are actually being used.