Janus 3 Tutorial - Scripts Thread

This page list all available Tcl-scripts with a short explanation and a link to a page that contains the script. This page is useful if you know what you are looking for and only need a link to the script. Other approaches to get to Tcl-scripts would be to work in the do-it-yourself thread and follow a link there.

Keep in mind, that Janus is still under development, and that we can't guarantee that every script that is listed here will work correctly forever. Sometimes, a program changes faster than its supporting documentation.

The scripts were all made for the tutorial, they are not meant to work for any task in any environment. The script can be run unmodified in the do-it-yourself environment of this tutorial. None of the scripts uses any external script or library function. They are all complete. There is a big Janus script library which contains many scripts for many jobs and environments. These are not part of the tutorial. Once you know how to work with Janus you will find it much easier to use the big Janus library or to develop your own scripts.

Okay, here come the scripts: