C/Tcl Interface

This page describes the itf module. This module is hiding the Tcl stuff from the other modules. It also provides services that should be used by other modules when it comes to creating, destroying and manipulating objects, object types, methods, etc.

Topics Related to the itf Module

How to Write a New Module

This page will describe what is needed to write a module which implements one or more object classes, and offers operations with objects from these classes.

Command Line Parsing

The function itfParseArgv() and the Tcl procedure itfParseArgv faciliate the parsing of command line arguments.

Error and Message Handling

Janus 3 has different kinds of messages for different degrees of error severity, going from simple messages to inform the user about what is going on, to fatal error messages thas will inevitably exit the entire process.

Interrupt Handling

JANUS 3 can react on SIGINT (i.e. controll-C). Besides this there are other signals that JANUS 3 can handle. You can also define a Tcl script that will be executed when a SIGTERM is received.

Hierarchical Objects (The Cryptic : and . Thing)

Objects can be defined on different levels. Top level objects can allways be accessed by their name only. Other objects might exist only in some other (parent) object. Accessing such objects is done simmilar to the structure field selection in C, using "." or ":" between identifiers. This page give you more details about it.

Defining Methods in Tcl

There are predefined methods written in C. But you can define you own methods in Tcl and have them registered in the itf module. This page will describe how.

The Link/Unlink Mechanism

To prevent object beeing destroyed while they are still being used by other objects, the using object can place a link onto the used object. Only objects that are not used by any other object can be destroyed completely. Whenevern an object doesn't need one of its used objects it should unlink it. When an object is not used any more, it is destroyed automatically.

Using UNIX Commands

To reduce the need for forking (could cause problems with the swap space for very big processes), some of the frequently used UNIX commands have been implemented in a rudimentary form.

Further information about the module: