Programming Assignment 9 - due Tuesday, July 29 at 9:00AM

Note: You are responsible for protecting your solutions to these problems from being seen by other students either physically (e.g., by looking over your shoulder) or electronically. (More information can be found in the instructions for Programming Assignment 2.)


  1. [2 points] In the file portrait.py, write a function portrait() that draws an abstract portrait of you on a canvas of size 300 X 400. We should be able to identify a face, at the very least. You must use at least one rectangle, one circle and one polygon in your portrait, although we expect you'll need a few more. Be creative! (We may show some of the really creative results in class.)

  2. [2 points] In the file checkerboard.py, write a function checkerboard() that draws a standard 8 X 8 checkboard on a canvas of size 400 X 400. Squares alternate red and black on the first row, then alternate black and red on the second row, then alternate red and black on the third row, and so on. Each square should be the same size and the board should fill up the canvas. You will only get full credit if you can write this function using a nested loop and NO if statements. Look for patterns.

    HINT: You might want to store the colors in a list, noting that their indices would be 0 and 1, respectively. The modulo operation will probably be helpful here.

    Image of checker board

  3. [3 points] In the file bargraph.py, write a function bargraph(datalist) that takes a list of 10 data values and displays a bar graph of these data values. The bar graph should be displayed in a canvas of size 600 X 400, and each bar should have an equal width. The bottom of each bar must be anchored at the bottom of the canvas, and the height of the bar must be proportional to the data value being displayed, with the maximum height representing 100. Each of the data values is guaranteed to be in the range 1 to 100 inclusive. Each bar should have a different color of your choosing, and these colors should be stored in a list so you can write a compact function.

    Here is a sample output for the following list:

         datalist = [15, 94, 23, 70, 1, 42, 83, 99, 50, 62]

    Image of bar graph

  4. [3 points] In the file rollthedice.py, write a function roll() that displays five die, each showing a random number between 1 and 6, inclusive. See the example below. The canvas should be 500 X 100, and each die will occupy 100 X 100 of the canvas.

    In order to draw the dice, you should write six helper functions, one for each die value, that draws 1 to 6 dots (circles), relative to a top left starting point (x,y) supplied as parameters. Remember that the helper functions need to be written in your file before the function that calls them.

    Each die should be 100 X 100. You may determine how big the dots on the die are, but the dots should be lined up as a standard die would be. Then your roll function would initialize a canvas, generate five random numbers between 1 and 6, inclusive, and draw a die for each random number by drawing a white square at the appropriate position and then calling the respective helper function(s) with an appropriate top left position for x and y.


You should have a pa9 directory, containing:

  1. portrait.py
  2. checkerboard.py
  3. bargraph.py
  4. rollthedice.py

Zip up your directory and upload it using the autolab system.