Problem Set 8 - due Wednesday, July 23 at 9:00AM in class



  1. (1 pt)
    1. For the following Boolean expression, write a truth table that shows the value of the function for each possible combination of assignments to the boolean variables X, Y, and Z. Use 1 for true and 0 for false.

      (X and Y) or (Y and (not Z))

    2. The programming language Ruby also has a while loop that works similarly to the one in Python.

      i = 0
      sum = 0
      while i != 10 do
          sum = sum + i
          i = i + 1

      Ruby has another loop called an until loop that runs until a particular condition is true. For example, the loop above can be written equivalently by negating the loop condition and using until instead of while:

      i = 0
      sum = 0
      until i == 10 do
          sum = sum + i
          i = i + 1

      Use DeMorgan's Law to convert the following Ruby while loop to an equivalent until loop.

      while (x >= 40) and (x < 68) do
  2. (2 pts) Another way to represent unsigned integers is to use a representation called Binary Coded Decimal. In this representation, each decimal digit of an integer is represented using 4 bits as follows:

    0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
    0000  0001  0010  0011  0100  0101  0110  0111  1000  1001

    Let ABCD represent a 4-bit binary-coded decimal number as described above. For example, the decimal digit 7 is represented in binary-coded decimal as 0111, so in this case, A = 0, B = 1, C = 1, and D = 1.

    A seven-degment display can be used to display each of the ten decimal digits as shown below.

    Seven Segment Display and 

    We can define a circuit abstractly below that requires four Boolean inputs A, B, C, and D represent a decimal digit encoded in binary-coded decimal format, and seven Boolean outputs s1, s2, ..., s7 to control each segment of the display:

    Seven Segment Display Unit 

    A segment si is lit if si is 1 (true) and not lit if si is 0 (false).

    1. Derive a Boolean formula for s5 that is true (1) if and only if segment s5 is lit.

      Your answer should be of the following form:

      s5 = (________) ∨ (________) ∨ (________) ∨ ...

      where each missing section is a boolean expression with all 4 input variables that is true when ABCD represents a decimal digit that results in the segment s5 of the display being lit. To help you get started, the digit 0 (binary 0000) will light segment s5, so the first expression in the formula above would be

      (¬A ∧ ¬B ∧ ¬C ∧ ¬D)

      since s5 would be true (i.e. 1) if A = 0, B = 0, C = 0, and D = 0. You will need to find all of the other missing expressions for s5.

    2. Derive a simple Boolean expression for s6 that is true (i.e. 1) if and only if the segment s6 is lit. (HINT: Segment s6 is lit for all digits except when the digit is the number 2.)

  3. (2 pts) A simpler adder is called a half adder which only adds 2 bits (X and Y) to produce a sum bit (S) and a carry_out (C) bit, as shown in the following truth table:

     X  Y  |  C  S
     0  0  |  0  0
     0  1  |  0  1
     1  0  |  0  1
     1  1  |  1  0

    This adder can be represented abstractly using the following diagram:

    Half Adder Unit Diagram

    1. Give Boolean formulas for C and S as functions of X and Y.

    2. Using two half-adders represented abstractly as boxes and one OR gate, show how to build a full-adder as defined in class. Your picture should have three inputs, X, Y, and Carry_In and two outputs, S and Carry_Out.

  4. (1 pt) When a programmer writes a program in a high-level language (e.g. Python), we need an interpreter or a compiler in order to execute the program on a computer. Explain why.

  5. (2 pts) This question deals with generating random numbers using a linear congruential generator.

    1. A linear congruential random number generator is created with a = 5, c = 9, m = 16. What is the period of this random number generator if it starts with a seed of 0? What is the sequence of values generated by this random number generator in one period? Show your work for full credit.

    2. Consider a pseudo random number generator based on the linear congruential method with a = 81, c = 337 and m = 1000. Using python3 and RandomLab, generate a set of 20 random numbers from this generator. Try this with several different seeds. Look at each sequence of numbers you get. What is the pattern in each of the sequences that would make you question whether you want to use this generator? (HINT: For each sequence, look at the last digit of each number in the sequence.)

  6. (2 pts) Use the Python random randint(0,x) function with two parameters, the first always set to 0, to solve each of the following tasks. Do NOT use any other random number functions in your solutions.

    1. Write a Python function spin1() that returns an integer and simulates the wheel spinner from the Milton Bradley game of Life. The wheel contains the numbers from 1 to 10.

    2. Write a Python function spin2() that returns an integer and simulates the Showcase Showdown wheel from the Price Is Right game show. The wheel contains the multiples of 5 from 5 to 100.

    3. Write a Python function roll1() that returns an integer and simulates a backgammon doubling cube. The 6-sided cube contains the values 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64.

    4. Write a Python function roll2() that returns a string and simulates a poker die. The 6-sided cube contains the values "A", "K", "Q", "J", "10", and "9". (You should simulate just one die.)